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How to respond to freelancing projects

Hello, in the article I would like to give a few comments and recommendations on how to respond to projects in freelancing. The opinion will be subjective, based on my considerable (screenshot with the statistics above) experience with freelancers (programmers, layout designers, designers, illustrators). I would also like to receive advice from other users in the comments.

The goal is to start getting a little more adequate responses to your projects. There is a feeling that I often did not cooperate with cool specialists only because of their poor response.
It is important that the use of these recommendations does not guarantee that you will be chosen, but only increases the chances of that.

Read carefully the task description

I almost always make a special mistake in the description of the problem, and those candidates who find it always get more points. A person who can grasp and think will always do better than someone who is in a hurry. By the way, this is a very popular trick.

Give a specific answer to a specific question.

In the job description, I always give full information about the project. In return, I ask the candidates to indicate what budget they want and what time frame they need. At the same time, I understand that this is still an approximate assessment.

Half of the responding people never give a specific answer to a specific question, but I propose to calculate it yourself. It is not difficult for me to calculate according to your formulas, but immediately it seems that the person did not even look at the description of the task properly.

Work with negative feedback

First, only the one who does not do anything at all does not mow. Secondly, I understand perfectly well that there are “inadequate” customers. The way you reacted to a negative review, how you behaved, and how you commented on it is one of the most powerful factors that characterize you.

For example, this person (picture above) has almost 100 positive reviews and only one negative. Personally, I would conclude from this negative review that the person is adequate and adult. In practice, this was confirmed.

Do not give copy-paste as an answer.

Very often, I see the same person’s response in several of our projects. And it immediately begins to seem that he does not even read the TK. And I want to find a person who will understand my idea or problem. By the way, pay attention, how much unnecessary information the person writes to me.

No need to argue about the budget

The price of freelancing is a very subjective thing. I got super work for little money and complete thrash for a good budget. All people have different situations, different regions of residence. If the budget does not suit you, then starting a dialogue by trying to increase it immediately is a bad move.

Do not spam anywhere and everywhere

It was already almost the norm for me to write at the end of the task “Please leave the answers only here, do not write me by mail, skype, etc.” First, look at all the candidates on the same page with the ability to compare them - it’s more convenient than to isolate from the mail your texts and drive into the table. And by phone it is very difficult to see your level of work, no matter how colorful you describe it.

And again, if you have not read or read, but have scored on the last sentence, then this gives you a bad first impression.

Ask us questions

I know perfectly well that only by starting a real work can you fully understand all the subtleties and nuances. But the more you ask implicit and useful questions, the more we will believe in your experience and logic.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231519/

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