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The director of the film Suzy Q asked to post his picture on The Pirate Bay

The director of the quite popular film “ Suzy Q ” (1999) went on to take such an unusual step to save his film from oblivion. Not long ago, the director (Martin Kolkhoven, the Netherlands) discovered that the distribution of “Suzy Q” by legal means has now become almost impossible. The film uses songs of famous musical groups and performers, including the Rolling Stones and Jimmy Hendrix. And the license term for using these songs for the picture has expired.

As a result, the work can neither be released on compacts, nor uploaded to the Internet as a licensed copy. Realizing that a good film (7 points according to IMDB) may even go into the unknown, the director decided to turn to the pirates. The other day, he tweeted a message with an unaddressed request to post his work on ThePirateBay.
A few hours later a copy of the film in poor quality was uploaded to the resource. A bit later, better versions appeared, including the 720p version.

Of course, the world media also paid attention to this whole situation, after which it can be said with confidence that the film will not sink into oblivion soon.

Moreover, the director himself uploaded the picture in quite good quality on YouTube . It could be expected that the moderators of the service would block the film immediately (for all the same reason that the publisher does not have rights to the music sounding in the film). But no, “Suzy Q” is still on YouTube and no one has deleted it.

Perhaps we can say that the director himself became a pirate, because he did not have full rights to the music and the film itself. But the work was saved, and now anyone can watch the film again (in which, by the way, Carice Van Houten , now known from the Game of Thrones) made her debut.

Via torrentfreak

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231485/

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