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A simple cloud backup for developers, and how we work on it in Yandex Tolstoy Startup Camp

Make a backup in 1 minute - the key concept of our product. With the development of technology and the constant emergence of new development tools, each of us must spend more and more time on maintaining a number of competencies. New technologies frontend and backend, server architecture, data integrity. Our product allows you to quickly set up backup copies of the database, configurations and server file system. We believe that for a number of projects there is no need for complex custom solutions by scripts. In turn, simplicity, speed of tincture, flexibility, price are important.

We provide a solution that can be raised in one minute. By simply entering a single command in ssh or providing us with a username and password from the server, you get an impression of your file system and server databases (MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL). You note that you need to save and how often. No need to write or search scripts, buy a server or search for hosting.

Technical side of the product

You install a python daemon on your server, the code of which is available on github'e github.com/bitcalm . The client removes the “image” of the file system (directory and file structure) and sends it to our server via an https connection. We on the server store it in Redis. Daemon requests the server every 10 minutes whether there were changes to the schedule, and if there were, updates it (in the future we will use Amazon SNS for this purpose). According to the schedule, daemon compresses files / DB and sends them to an encrypted and isolated bucket on Amazon S3.

Life in Yandex Tolstoy Startup Camp

At the moment, the bitCalm.com team is accelerating in Yandex Tolstoy Startup Camp. Before you get to Camp read the article . Everything that was described in it seemed to us very exciting and interesting. At the moment when we applied for participation, there was no guarantee or expectation that we would be selected. However, after a couple of weeks, I received a written invitation to participate in a skype interview. After passing the interview, after 2 weeks, we received a final confirmation of participation. More than 400 people submitted their candidatures and 55 passed. Many passed 2 tasks: both on the developer, and on the manager. After the final confirmation in the next 2 days, you need to confirm your participation, after which for 2 months you need to take a vacation at work or resign, and live on the stocks you have previously saved.

When the lists of past participants became known to everyone, it was decided to organize a pre-party meeting. Since many of the participants are not from Moscow, of course, we went to Red Square.

The next day, Yandex Tolstoy Startup Camp began !

It began with an acquaintance with those who did not manage to meet earlier. A lot of guys came from different cities: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Tashkent, Minsk, Kharkov, Vologda, Paphos (Cyprus), Kemerevo, Yekaterinburg, Pskov, Izhevsk, Saratov, Almaty and even Nikolaev.

The first couple of days were devoted to introductory training. We subscribe to the expressed opinion of colleagues about how cool Natalie Zverek conducts trainings. Feedback from the participants article :

A very special impression in the first weeks of the camp was left by the trainings of Natalia Zverok, Deputy Director for Personnel Development at Yandex. She taught us the most basic things, which, in theory, a thirty-year-old man should already know from experience, but at the same time constantly opening up new sides and showing new ways of communication and interaction. It was very cool. Fifteen years ago, I paid for some kind of NLP training, but I was driven out after an hour and a half because I was deeply disgusted with the brainwashing technique and the rubbish that the trainer was carrying. In a natural way for me, I said all three times publicly and did not go to such events again. However, trainings Natalia were completely opposite in terms of empathy. I can’t speak for all the participants, but I didn’t have experienced more than twenty years of knowledge, if not more.

We joined the daily learning process, started working on ideas and formed teams. A week later we came to voice the initial versions of the projects. (Spoiler: Initially, there were about 30 ideas, after the first week their number was reduced to 22, and 12 after the first demonstration day.) One of the mentors, the notorious Bobuk, walked through our ideas with particular feeling. You can see it in the photo on the left. Those who did not lose their enthusiasm after this, were able to refine their idea. Not every day you can hear so much specifics. Examination is extremely useful and important.

But alas ... The score was not equal.

After a couple of weeks of work, we finally split up into teams and presented ideas on the first presentation day. Let me remind you that only those teams whose ideas survive on this day remain on the project. As a result, after the end of the presentations and selection, about 45 people remained. Someone left immediately, someone later (after 1-2 days) for personal reasons, someone did not calculate the budget, but someone needed to finish urgent business at the main job. So the list of participants has thinned a little. In principle, you can always join the project of another team, agree with someone.

And after hardcore began!

Life in the accelerator is a constant rush. Our team over the past four weeks working seven days a week from 14 hours a day, and still not enough.

You come in the morning and see a picture of how everyone works; it’s about the same as leaving work. As a rule, all come before 10 am, and leave after 9 pm.

Simultaneously with the work on the product, we listen to lectures of industry professionals - mentors and methodologists. In their role were: Grigory Bakunov, Natalia Zverek, Ilya Krasinsky, Ilya Korolev, Alexander Zverev, Bayram Annakov and many other famous people.

Each mentor and methodologist shares useful knowledge for the idea, product and team. Replenishes our knowledge base with something different. He tells about his successful projects and interesting hacks. As a rule, the day begins with lectures on the right approach to product development and its value series, the so-called customer development. After all, in fact, remember how product creation usually happens? We find our personal narrow problem, come up with a solution, write the code for several months. Only after that we think about who needs this product? And then a stupor arises: to whom to sell, and whether our decision is necessary for someone other than ourselves? In turn, the correct approach is based on the problems of people and the search for their main “pain”. In addition, a large number of lectures are devoted to the metrics of the project and its possible scaling. For example, even without creating a product, but hypothetically presenting it, one can identify the key variables of the project and understand approximately whether it will be self-sufficient.

This is an example of one of the simple daily tools used for the general construction of a business model for a project. It helps to answer all key questions and better present the product to investors and critics.

Often, we ourselves receive a wave of criticism of our projects, but this is extremely useful in order to better understand the weak points of the product and the team. Also on Fridays every week we share the results of the work done with all the participants and methodologists. This allows you to better see the progress and pay attention to those details that were previously invisible.

In addition to hard work, common “attacks” of all participants are organized periodically - to walk, relax, share something besides work. It is always fun and interesting.

As our product developed, we needed the expertise of not only our future customers, but also the market leaders. We were well received and had a pleasant talk with Gaydar Makdanurov in Acronis. Received extremely useful feedback. It should be noted separately that people from the IT industry are quite open. Just by writing a distinct letter, you can arrange to meet with many famous people.

How to try our product?

To date, we have opened the registration by invitation and, as far as we can, send invites to those who wish to use the service. Already, you can leave a request to connect to our site .
We strive to release the product with an open registration as soon as possible, but its quality is extremely important to us. It is for this reason that we will send invitations to connect in limited quantities.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231471/

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