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The dating site twisted the compatibility of profiles to stimulate activity - and two more experiments on users

When millions of users are at your disposal, it’s probably not so easy to resist the temptation to experiment on them. Facebook has already apologized for controlling the mood of its users , creating a news feed. Behind them uncovered a large dating site OkCupid, in a blog which yesterday appeared a description of three social experiments that were put on its users.

For some reason, they decided to illustrate their post with just such a title picture.


The first experiment was the result of the “Blind Date”, when on OkCupid for one day all the photos were turned off in support of the release of the mobile app for blind dates. The result of this move was the drop in all site metrics, but at the same time, the remaining users found amazing things: they responded to incoming messages 44% more often, the conversations lasted longer, the time to exchange contact information decreased.
Does this prove that appearance is not important, and most importantly - the soul? And here and there: when "they turned on the light", the activity began to decline. Including active conversations, which at the time of the return of photos in the profiles of users, there were 2,200 - they just faded away for the most part.


The second experiment was to study the influence of the text in the user profile on its assessment by other users. Some of the profiles for some time were shown with hidden description text, only with a photo. Then they compared the ratings given to them by other users, with an equal length of time when the text was available to page visitors. It turned out that the absence / presence of the text has practically no effect on the assessments:

But there is a very clear correlation between the assessment of appearance and the assessment of personality:

Which leads to a simple conclusion - everything is decided by appearance (more precisely, the photo). “I’m hard to find, easy to lose, impossible to forget” in the profile of the glasses will not add or subtract.


The third experiment concerns their famous algorithm for evaluating the appropriateness of user profiles to each other. OkCupid noted that if you tweak the rating to suitably positive, users will behave more confidently and make contacts. Here is the behavior of users with a real compatibility score of 30% (very low):

- The chances that they will start a conversation with the user grow a little as the percentage of compatibility grows. But the chances that the conversation will be over 4 messages (the threshold value at which OkCupid believes that the conversation has ensued) are growing much more noticeably.

This dependence also works in the opposite direction - if you unscrew a good rating, users start to delete each other’s pages, even if in fact they are perfect for each other.


Of course, after this publication there will be those who say that it is unethical to experiment with people. Well, once studying human anatomy was considered a criminal matter. But knowing how we really are is worth it, isn't it?

source: blog.okcupid.com
via Reuters , Techradar , Engadget

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231443/

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