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Yandex Direct has appeared on the main Kinopoisk

Nine months is a great time to be delivered by the news. The first noticeable change in the largest cinema site of Runet 9 months after its purchase by Yandex was the appearance of Yandex Direct right on the face of the portal. It looks, frankly, wildly:

Concerning the future of Kinopoisk , disturbing rumors are already circulating : “in Yandex, they will not only rework the design, but also“ give up some of the data from the database, and the editorial section (cinema news, blogs, articles) will disappear completely ”. He said that a restart is planned by the end of the year. ”

However, to whom the war - and to whom the mother is native. I think other sites about cinema in RuNet will only be happy if such a powerful source of news and content about cinema is in Bose.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231437/

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