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That's how curious it turned out, just yesterday I wrote in a Habré about Piwik . And today a friend sent me to another project, also released recently at the beta testing stage - Woopra . This service also positions itself as an alternative to Google Analytics. True, at the moment Woopra looks more promising Piwik'a, and promises more.

So Woopra is positioning itself as a service of analytics for small and medium-sized sites. It focuses on blogs, which is very nice. Promises to track all user actions on the site. Well, many, many beautiful in the interface. Very interesting project.

1. Announced tracking site visits in real time, I do not know how it will work, but I would like to. :)

2. The interface is very boast. It looks beautiful, but I don’t know how functional everything is.

3. Promised a large log of user actions on the site, who came from, what looked, etc., etc. in one table, with the possibility of sorting and filtering.

4. The ability to “tag” site visitors, so that later to follow their actions was easier.

5. Built-in Instant Manager directly on the site, you can communicate with visitors.

6. Analytics data, just like visiting statistics, will be updated in real time. I mean, analytics can be just watched.

7. It will be possible to set up a notification service in order to react to changes on your site or to surges in its attendance.

8. Well, the API for developers, of course, wherever without it. :)

In a word, the project looks very interesting, I don’t know if it will be able to become at least to some extent a competitor of Google Analytics, we’ll see. But very interesting.

On the site Woopra already available plugin for Wordpress'a, with integration with statistics, and clients for Win, Mac and Linux.

Full screenshots and English description can be viewed here - Woopra .

PS: I wanted to start testing Piwik, now I do not know. Though all three analysts put and compare the results. :)

( Xpost )

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23140/

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