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10 Commandments of Big Data

The commandments are inspired by the content of the book Big Data: A Revolution That Will Change the Way We Live, Work, and Think

The theme of Big Data interested me from the very beginning of its popularization in Russia. Tired of aggressive marketing of manufacturers in this direction, trying to sell anything under the guise of Big Data, just not the very essence of Big Data, and biased articles by IT journalists praising the effectiveness and usefulness of Big Data in solving business problems, I decided to read the book a fan of the Big Data technology approach, a professor at Oxford University, and a co-author, an economist, hoping to find answers to the questions that reveal the essence of Big Data. As I read, awareness of the ideas embodied in this book gradually occurred in my head. At some stage, I decided that the essence of this book can be expressed in a religious way, in the form of short commandments, which tell about the basic principles and approaches that should be applied in the future world of Big Data.

Big Storm is coming and every person will be reflected in digital form. All life and human actions will be in sight of everyone and there will be a great temptation to use this to satisfy their own selfish desires. Only he will pass through the filth and does not get dirty, and in the end he will be cleansed, who will firmly keep to the right path and keep the digital commandments that we have been kept from the fiery hell.

  1. Use all the data for only a complete set can shed light on the truth of things in our world.
  2. Do not be afraid of errors and inaccuracies in the data because it is not an exact result, but the probability brings us closer to understanding the essence of events.
  3. Do not look for the cause, but look for laws and dependencies for everything in this world is interconnected and cannot exist separately from everything.
  4. Find out a way to measure the world - and you will get power over it because knowledge of the past gives us power over the future. (to measure the world means to keep the measurements in a form suitable for analysis)
  5. Understand the true value of data by looking at them through a multifaceted prism of applications for only a full range of possible uses allows you to appreciate the full depth of the data.
  6. Develop analytical skills for only the ability to see the simple in the complex will indicate the correct path in the future raging ocean of data.
  7. Do not raise the idol from the data for their obsession leads to their misuse. (data is an aid in decision making, not the cause of the phenomenon)
  8. Honor the confidentiality of his neighbor because there is nothing in the world more than the freedom of the individual.
  9. Do not judge a person on the analytical predictions about him because not thoughts, but only actions show the true essence of it.
  10. Nothing is predetermined in this world because the data do not give definitive answers, but serve as a guiding star in decision making.

The meaning of each of these commandments can not be disclosed on one page. I leave this work of speculation to your discretion, since everyone in the commandments sees his own meaning.
However, one should understand that Big Data is not a panacea for the future world, which will be able to solve absolutely all problems; rather, they will help us choose a better solution and avoid mistakes. Ultimately, we ourselves choose how to meet and tame the future, because we can take appropriate measures or take actions (taking into account the information received from the data) to change it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231359/

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