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Netwrix survey results: two thirds of IT companies break their own IT infrastructure

A couple of months ago, in the open spaces of Runet (and not only), we published the results of our research .

Conducting the study - we tried to determine - how common is the practice of documenting and controlling changes in the IT infrastructure, and also to find out whether the changes made by specialists affect the performance of the system and its security.

577 experts took part in the survey, of which: representatives of large enterprises (33%), medium (42%) and (25%) small businesses. The list includes enterprises from various fields: information technology, services, banking, health care, manufacturing, education, consulting, retail and wholesale trade, energy, etc.

The main results of the study:

Among large-scale business enterprises, change control tools are more common — they are used by 80% of companies, compared with about 55% of medium-sized companies and 45% of small businesses.

As for the impact of the changes on the work of the IT infrastructure, we obtained the following results:

The results of the survey suggest that experts regularly make undocumented changes that affect the level of protection of the IT infrastructure and its performance. Documenting the changes, in turn, allows you to prevent system failures or to quickly find and solve the cause of a specific failure.

For infographics, thanks to Alexander Volkov

More information about the study can be found on the website Cnews .
Full research results in English are available on our website .

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231353/

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