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Contextual advertising in television

In the video on appleinsider, Walt Mossberg creepyly criticizes television advertising. And not because it exists, but because it is not contextual.

He says that in the intervals between evening programs there is an advertisement for something that a person will never buy, namely, an advertisement about “rectal dysfunction, tampons, Lexus”. After all, the audience of these programs will never think about the purchase of what is advertised.
He blames the old business model for inefficiency and says that “someone needs to be more creative in this area. someone has to come up with something to increase the effectiveness of advertising returns by making it contextual. ”
He welcomes a bunch of Apple TV and any TV, because for ridiculous money you get a pure advertising product. But it concerns Internet TV.
Will there be something similar in the ordinary "antenna" television?


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23135/

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