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Linux and LibreOffice installed in schools, government offices and courts of Valencia

A couple of days ago, the European Commission announced that the French Toulouse had saved 1 million euros by replacing the proprietary MS Office with a free LibreOffice. The upgrade lasted for a year and a half, and Toulouse will transfer some of the money saved to the developers of LibreOffice.

And today - one more news, which demonstrates the enormous possibilities of saving budget funds when switching to Open Source products.

The Autonomous Region of Valencia (Spain) has released a new version of Lliurex , a localized version of the Edubuntu Linux distribution. This distribution is installed on 110,000 school computers in the region. With the release of the new version 14.06, the authorities noted the success of the project and noticed that over the past 9 years Lliurex has already saved the state about 36 million euros .

Among the features of 14.06 is the new LliureX-Lab program, which allows the teacher to use multimedia and interactive elements on several computers in a classroom during a lesson, broadcast their screen on the students' displays, launch group video conferences to help students solve tasks.
Lliurex is available in corporate, school and home versions. Probably, the teacher through the video chat helps to solve homework.

By the way, 120,000 computers in state institutions of Valencia were transferred to LibreOffice a year ago , including computers in schools and courts. The General Director of Information and Computer Technologies of Valencia said that it would save 1.5 million euros per year on license fees. She also stressed that LibreOffice has support for the Valencian dialect, which is absent in the MS Office.

PS At this time, Los Angeles schools spent another $ 115 million on the purchase of additional iPads. As they say, to whom that.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231343/

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