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Runet: Web 2.0 corporate sites

Usable design of social networks is increasingly common in the design of ordinary sites. In an era when information is put at the forefront, animations, curlicues, and unnecessary embellishments that distract the eye prevent it from being consumed. Today, all elements of the site should be functional, there should be nothing accidental and unjustified - everything serves the purpose of the most convenient assimilation and use. Therefore, the first principle of web-design is:

1.Easy. Black font on a white background - a universal solution for easy reading. The main thing the designer should think about is effective perception of information by the visitor. “Light design” - a lot of empty spaces, the main thing - the content, not graphics.

2. Font serif is perceived from the screen easier than serif. Therefore, there is a tendency to use fonts like Arial and Verdana in website design.

3. Large font size. If there is nothing unnecessary on the site, then there is a lot of free space, because something especially important can be distinguished in large print so that the visitor can easily pay attention to it. Even being away from the computer ...
4. Certain zones, as a rule, are distinguished by different colors so that the visitor can easily navigate. By the way, about navigation. It should be clearly distinguished from non-navigation, and be available on any page of the site.

5. Presence of icons is a fashionable trend. But this is not a reason to be lazy when creating them, they say, that you’ll take small ones from them - the better the icons are drawn, the better. Regardless of the size, although in favor, again, large icons. So real artists have where to turn.

6. Round shapes. Rounded edges of buttons. Shadows, gradients, reflections and highlights are modest delights that humanize the design.

7. The most important rule : whatever the design, it must be of high quality. Primitive sites today are not in the price. The more elaborate the project, the more pleasant it is for visitors to visit. In no case can you think that if you make a large hat on a white background, put icons and choose a larger font - the site will be in the fashionable style of web 2.0 and will definitely appeal to the client and visitors. There must be taste and professional flair in everything, then there will be no need to adjust to the trends - you can create them.

Examples Say at once, none of them is a social network or blog - most of them are corporate sites. They were created in 2007, early 2008, and we found them in the portfolio of web studios from the first positions in the rating of “TOP-100 leading web studios of Runet” . These are Art. Lebedev Studio and Actis Systems , sites that do not belong to them, have just been in our mind for a long time.

In particular, for example: the “tag cloud” principle in the organization of information submission:

Glare, gradients, reflections, "glossy" buttons are characteristic features of web 2.0 style design:

The tendency to submit information as much as possible adapted for convenient use not only pleases the eye, but also simplifies the life of consumers.

So that the visitor could really “try on” the proposed product or “try” the service on himself. Again, as favorite social networks:

In no case do we pretend to the ultimate truth, the examples we cited can be challenged in an honest conversation in the column “Comments”. We just sincerely hope that “thoughts about the needs and requirements of the user” will firmly enter into the heads of both designers and customers, so that

Source of article

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23134/

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