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Mayor of London promised full coverage of 5G in 2020

Despite the fact that the 5G standard is still under development, the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, is in a hurry to stake out the title of the digital capital of Europe outside the city - or at least for himself - the first mayor in the world concerned about this issue. This is part of the overall development plan for London, in which information infrastructure is given the same importance as transport, energy or water, writes Engadget.

Interestingly, the launch of 5G in commercial operation in the world is expected by 2020. To reduce its backlog from the United States, as was the case with the launch of LTE, the European Union established cooperation on 5G with South Korea .

4 years ago, Johnson already made a similar statement, promising to turn London into one big wi-fi hotspot by the Olympic 2012.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231335/

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