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Anton Arkhipov - Class Loaders and Bytecode Instrumentation

On Thursday, August 7, at 8:00 pm , the St. Petersburg office of Luxoft will host a meeting of JUG.ru with Anton Arkhipov, a specialist on bytecode modification, the developer and manager of JRebel and XRebel products at ZeroTurnaround. The meeting will consist of two parts: before the break we will talk about class loaders, and after the break we will talk about bytecode instrumentation.

Participation in this event is free, but you need to register at jugru.timepad.ru/event/135787

1. Java Class Loaders: Rake Collection
The dynamic class loading model is one of the main features of the Java platform. The class loader allows you to load executable code into the JRE without reloading the main application. Application servers, modular systems, many web frameworks use class loaders to incorporate dynamic features into their functionality.

This report will discuss the main provisions in the class loading mechanism, as well as the main problems arising in applications due to the behavior of the loaders. The reasons for typical ClassNoDefFoundError, IncompatibleClassChangeError, LinkageError, etc. errors, as well as diagnostic methods and ways to solve these errors will be considered.

The report involves interactive and involved audience participation.

2. Java agents, Instrumentation API and Javassist

The java.lang.instrument package was added to Java a long time ago, in version 1.5. For a simple example, consider the main features of the Instrumentation API and talk about how and why you can make your Java agent. The picture would be incomplete without mentioning the tools for bytecode manipulation - for this we will look at the possibilities of Javassist and see what can be done with all this.

Anton Arkhipov is the developer and product manager of JRebel and XRebel in the Estonian company ZeroTurnaround. Professionally engaged in Java development for about ten years. Main interests are related to programming languages ​​and software development tools. He regularly speaks at international conferences - behind the backs of speeches at such conferences as JAX, JavaOne, GeeCON, Jfokus, JavaZone, EclipseCon.

Petersburg office of Luxoft:
Business center "Autumn", Sverdlovskaya nab., Building 44, letter I

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231327/

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