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Creating a project management system for Yandex Tolstoy Camp. Part 2

According to statistics, about 50% of IT-projects go beyond the budget, the time or not fully meet the expectations of customers. Among other reasons, there are flaws in the management process, a blurring of project boundaries (in particular, due to a lack of control over these boundaries) and the lack of consideration of project risks. These problems we raised in our previous article .


If you want to know how we in e-Legion deal with these problems and make projects successful, welcome under cat.

Project price

Note: to experienced managers, this section may seem like captaincy. If you have this feeling, just skip to the next section =)

Let's start with an understanding of what constitutes the price of a project that the studio puts to the customer. The following is true for all custom development companies.

It is clear that the price has a restriction from above - the price of competitors, how much the customer is ready to spend. How can you influence the price?

From the above, it is clear that reducing uncertainty appears to be the easiest factor to change. Let's do it.

Project Evaluation

How to reduce uncertainty? Clarify customer requirements, understand what components the system will consist of and what functions it will perform. The more we think about the project in advance, the less likely it is that during the project there will be new tasks that will have to be performed at our own expense.

During the evaluation, we should not forget that the evaluation itself is also not free. On average, the assessment of a project received from a customer takes from 2 hours to 1 week and requires the involvement of developers, analysts and testers. Thus, the assessment of one project for a company costs from about 10 to 100 man-hours! Taking into account the fact that not every estimated project is sold, the company's costs reach rather big values.

Our solution

We decided to try to use the Mind map (diagram of relationships) for drawing up the structure of the project and their evaluation:


The central element of the Mind map is the name of the project. Its child elements are components of the future system (for a mobile application, screens; you can use custom scripts or other components that the customer understands). Next, for each screen, its main functions are recorded. Common components (for example, dialog boxes) are sooner or later moved to a separate first-level parent element. Without spending more time and not using any secret skills, the appraisal team gets a much more detailed map of the future application. The level of detail is such that the most recent elements of the Mind map rarely have a rating of more than 4-8 hours.

If an exact assessment on any element cannot be given, we can add some element that reflects the risk:


The customer is given a detail of the assessment at the level of the very first children. These elements reflect some business components (use case, application screen) and therefore are understandable to customers.

What is most interesting, during the project it turned out that this map is also much more accurate - the number of unexpected tasks has greatly decreased (the exact figures are at the end of the article).

Project progress

Suppose the project is sold and it's time to implement it. At this point, many make a mistake and lose the connection between the elements of the application that were identified during the assessment and sold to the customer, and the tasks that are added to the task tracker. And many don't make such mistakes =) and, all the same, they spend a lot of time on checking that the amount of work in the task tracker corresponds to the estimate sold at the end of the project. Many task trackers either do not allow organizing multi-level hierarchies at all, or allow you to do this non-intuitively. What problems did this have?


And here came the Mind map. The same Mind map, which turned out during the assessment, is also used in the development - the tasks of the lowest level get into the tracker and are given for execution. Knowing the structure, PM (and other project participants) can easily determine which tasks are under the node corresponding to one or another screen. The node itself contains information about the initial assessment, so PM immediately notices its excess (when a new task appears) and can take action.

The status is noted on “low-level” tasks - those that the developers in the tracker work with - and is “translated” to higher levels of the diagram. This allows project managers and CTOs to easily see the status of the entire project:

gray - the task has not yet begun, green - the task is ready, yellow - the task is in work, red - there are some problems.

If necessary, you can quickly understand what caused this or that problem:


You can apply a filter for tasks that require the attention of the manager:


An additional bonus, which we certainly did not expect - a significant reduction in the cost of testing. It is explained by the fact that the developers saw the status of a screen and tried to finish the tasks associated with it before starting work on a new screen (we pass the application for testing on-screen, or according to the client’s business features). And if earlier it happened that the developers sent screens for testing, on which there were unfinished tasks, then now completely tested screens began to come to testing.

Complex economy of prime numbers

The promised results.

In projects that used the new approach, the following improvements were noted:

How can this affect the profitability of the project? Let's assume that the price of a project is 100 conventional units. In accordance with the price structure explained above, the margin and risk in such a project is approximately 30; development costs - 60; for testing - 10. Suppose that the shot risks “ate” 20 units, i.e. the real margin was only 10. If risks were reduced by 50% ($ 10), and testing costs by 20% ($ 2), the margin could increase from 10 to 22 — that is, more than 100%!

What's next?

After testing a new approach on several projects, we decided to bring light to the masses to share our experience and automate our tools and processes. To this end, several volunteers went to Tolstoy Startup Camp and are currently developing a SNAP project management system that implements the described processes.

Automation is still seen in the following places:

The SNAP team will be happy to answer questions about the method used, and can help you learn how to use Mind maps to evaluate and manage your projects.

How do you rate your projects?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231305/

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