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Habroyashchik, Tuesday - April 8th.

Not advertising, but convenience . Every day on my Twitter aired, I throw out the tinylink on the Habroyashchik, the same nickname - shapelez .

Events :
Microsoft: “Are there seeds?”, Yahoo: “ What did you say ?”
10 years of Open Source movement.
Mailnica Microsoft, interesting cat ...
Vertical search Rambler .
CSS Naked Day - network nudists .
Startup-Lynch at RHS-2008.

Design and usability :
Adobe: Yabloko wait .
Gadgets / Phones / PDAs :
HP Mini Note PC - rival eeePC?
Android on the Nokia N810 (eng.).
Tumba network activity.

Development :
gzip compression , performance impact.
The ABC of the developer.
Later static binding in PHP, practice .
Google App Engine to the masses . After - Django on Google App Engine.

Useful :
Text for the site - what, how and where .
Google Email Uploader - for winders only.

Interesting :
The techno - blogger’s funeral is a sad story of hard work.
The destruction of the Internet - tutorial .
Electricity in the air , remember Tesla.
Radiohead is back on the horse .
New line of Apple laptops - rumors .
100 of the most influential people in the IT industry (English).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23129/

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