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What is publicly available information?

It would seem a simple question. The same information that everyone can get, writes American businessman Anil Dash (Anil Dash).


* Someone rummaged in your garbage on the street, counted the number of used condoms, pregnancy tests, the number of bottles of drugs - and published on the Internet along with your name and address. Rubbish lay on the street, so all this is public information.
* A group of alcoholics anonymous decided to take advantage of the good summer weather and hold a meeting in the park. You can record the entire conversation on video and post it on Facebook, along with photos of the group members. It is better to mark their faces in the photos and sign the names so that none of the friends, relatives and employers will miss the photo. Talks in the parks - public information.

* A neighbor can hang a drone in front of your window, record on video and broadcast on the Internet what is happening inside your home, with sound. View from the street - public information.

* There are no legal obstacles for Google to display a reference block with your home address, probable place of work, the latest photo and the exact amount of political donations (in the US) when someone searches your name on the Internet. Public information is public information. By the way, this is an example of why the thesis “everything published on the Internet is considered public information” is too primitive.

Some of the examples cited are not clearly attributed to public or non-public information. The phenomenon is that public information is, in fact, an agreement in society, which is enshrined in legislation. There is a large gray area that can be interpreted in different ways.

Anil Dash says that the media is interested in the existence of the gray zone, because from it they get materials for articles. For example, you can use Twitter posts in an article. Every user of social networks is now a public figure.

In turn, technology companies are interested in the binary distribution of private and public information, because it simplifies the programming of systems. They absolutely do not need any kind of gray area.

The problem is aggravated by the fact that lawmakers are completely behind the reality and are not able to adopt legislation that corresponds to the modern era. The author speaks of US lawmakers, of course.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231253/

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