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Startup-Lynch at RIT 2008

In the life cycle of any startup comes the constant need to submit it to the investor. In the thematic communities it was already enough said about the “packaging” - the presentation of the project. We will once again confirm the importance of this step in the “Start-up Lynch” section.

Each participant of the conference who submitted the application will be given the opportunity to communicate with a number of investors and protect their startup in front of them, receive critical comments, and, perhaps, investments.

The format of the applicants should be built according to the following scheme:
* two-minute story about a startup;
* questions from the judges;
* making a decision.

The team of judges will consist of six people: three representatives of investment structures and three technical gurus. You can apply for participation in a startup lynch until April 10th.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23121/

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