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How to send a message that is understandable after 10,000 years

Such a question was posed in 1990 in front of a group of scientists to solve the problem of the long-term maintenance of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) storage facility. It uses the method of deep geological disposal of waste. The standard lifetime of the facility is 10,000 years. After placing the capsules in a salt mine at a depth of 600 m and sealing the storage, the waste can be left without maintenance. Since water has not penetrated there for about 250 million years, it can be carefully assumed that this will not happen for another 200,000 years while waste is life threatening.

Centuries and millennia will pass. New cultures and civilizations will emerge in the United States. Perhaps they will speak new languages ​​and not have a written language. The question is how to inform future people about the danger of this place?

To solve this complex task, a working group was assembled. It is very interesting to look at their options.

Scientists immediately decided that the message should be in graphic form. Not a single language or script on Earth could live so long, and is unlikely to be able (although, of course, this is possible).
Famous American astronomer, astrophysicist and prominent popularizer of science Carl Sagan (now deceased) could not attend the meeting, but sent a message that the problem is easy to solve if you choose the right symbol and he knows only one such: “skull and bones”.

But symbols can also appear and disappear. In fact, the “skull and bones” were originally a symbol not of death, but of rebirth. It was first used in the religious literature of the Middle Ages, as seen in the painting “Crucifixion” by Fra Beato Angelico of the 15th century.

The skull is at the base of the cross.

After some time, the captains of the ships began to draw this sign near the names of the dead sailors in the crew list in the ship's log. Approximately then at seamen the symbol became associated with death. Later it was used by pirates to intimidate their victims.

The symbol of death, fixed in culture, was also used by punitive SS brigades.

But entering the popular pop culture, the conceptual meaning of the symbol is eroded. Now he is painted on backpacks, T-shirts, children's bodysuits and even water bottles !

As another option, scientists suggested explaining the meaning of the radiation symbol in the form of a story.

But if you read the story from the bottom up, it looks like a man found the source of eternal youth!

In general, the final decision was not taken. Although there are various alternatives, such as the introduction of information about the danger of this place in the mass consciousness through legends and folklore. Thus, information can be passed from generation to generation. For example, the composer Emperor X wrote for this song "Do not change your color, cat . "

In addition to songs, it is possible to introduce information into the mass consciousness in other ways. But this is also not a guaranteed way.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231207/

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