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Switching to LibreOffice saved Toulouse 1 million euros

Free software saves millions of dollars and euros to organizations using it instead of proprietary products. This is especially noticeable in the case of large state structures.

The next city (after Munich), which migrated to the ACT, was the French Toulouse. Replacing the Microsoft Office desktops with LibreOffice, the city will save about 1 million euros over three years.

Toulouse is the fourth largest city in France from 447,000 inhabitants, according to the 2011 census. Together with 37 suburbs, the population rises to 714,000. Modernization affected about 10,000 computers in the administrations of these territories.

Administration officials say they came from purely pragmatic considerations. If a program is cheaper and performs its task well, you need to install it.
Migration from Microsoft Office to LibreOffice in Toulouse began in 2012 and took a year and a half; now 90% of desktop computers are spared from Microsoft office software. Office suite licenses cost Toulouse € 1.8 million every three years. Therefore, an investment of € 800 thousand in the upgrade - a reasonable investment.

I wonder how staff training was organized. From each department, a volunteer was chosen, who after a short course helped everyone else in the department.

At the request of individual employees, they left the MS Office with LibreOffice. It turned out that some complex Word macros and complex Excel files cannot be played in LibreOffice. Over time, this will fix it.

Since 2009, city websites and the internal portal (toulouse.fr, toulouse-metropole.fr, data.grandtoulouse.fr) have been using free software. Workflow and collaboration on documents is provided by the Liferay and Alfresco programs, besides them, Joomla is used.

About 50% of the servers on the network run on Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. True, strategic business applications still rely on commercial OS and Oracle databases. The representative of the IT department said that he was closely following the development of free alternatives and in which case migration also makes sense here.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231189/

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