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How password changed my life

β€œHow could she do this to me?” I asked myself. Everyday. All the time.

In 2011, when gradients were still popular, and I-OS icons set the direction for design and people used deodorants, I was depressed because of my divorce.

Fortunately, I was resourceful enough to get out of it. (I was also helped by wonderful people who surrounded me.)
* * * * *

Once, I came to the office and looked at my monitor. Everything was great until I saw this message:

Your password is outdated.
Click the "Change Password" button to change the password.

Come on! And I thought the "Change Password" button is designed for something else.

I read this stupid message to myself in the voice of a grumpy old man: β€œThe bloody password is outdated.”

In my work, Microsoft Exchange Server required thousands of employees to change the password every 30 days.

It was complete nonsense: it was necessary to use at least one uppercase letter in the password, at least one lower case letter, at least one character and at least one number. The total number of characters should have been more than eight. And I could not enter the password that I used in the last three months.

I was furious this Tuesday morning at 9:40. It was so hot outside that I started to sweat even before I started work. I am late. I was still in my helmet. I forgot to have breakfast. My mouth tasted like a cigarette. I had to deal with this before the meeting began at 10 o'clock. Ahead of me was the need to spend a lot of my time on it.

* * * * *

So that was it - an input box with a flashing carriage, waiting until I figure out a password that I will use for the next 30 days and enter it over and over several times a day.

Soon, having calmed down a bit, I remembered a method that I had heard from my former boss, Rasmus . He combined the passwords list. And I decided to use an advanced version of this method.

I decided to use a password to change my life.

I could not concentrate on achieving my goals with the current lifestyle and mood. Sure, there were pointers to what I needed to do to regain control of my life, but we often do not pay attention to these clues.

My password has become such a pointer. He reminded me that I should not fall prey to the recent unpleasant situation and that I was strong enough to overcome this.

And I put the password Forgive @ h3r (forgive her).

At the meeting, I was still thinking about what I had just done. A smile appeared on my face.

During the weekly rest, I had to enter this password several times a day. Every time my computer was locked. Every time when her picture appeared on the monitor. Every time I returned from dinner alone.

In my head it sounded like a mantra: I did not enter the password, I reminded myself to forgive her.

* * * * *

All this has changed my attitude towards my ex-wife. It constantly reminded me that I should forgive her. I accepted what happened to my marriage. I have a new way to deal with depression, in which I was.

In the following days, my mood improved significantly. But by the end of the second week I noticed that this password became less effective and it began to lose effect. I was helped by the improvement of the current mantra, now it sounded like this: β€œI forgive her every time I enter this password.” The healing effect returned almost immediately.

* * * * *

A month later, dear Microsoft Exchange Server again asked me to change my password. I thought about what goal should be achieved further.

I put the password Quit @ smoking4ever (quit smoking forever).

Guess what happened. Honestly, I quit smoking the night before. I have a bunch of witnesses who could not believe how I did it. I read books, used electronic cigarettes, patches, etc. Nothing helped, but this method worked.

This password was not easy to write for a month, but it helped me to get through to myself. It motivated me to reach my goal this month.

A month later, I set the password to Save4trip @ thailand (save up for a trip to Thailand).

Guess where I went in 3 months. Yes, to Thailand.

Thank you, password.

* * * * *

The realization that these instructions and reminders help me to achieve my goal every month motivates and excites me. Sometimes it is difficult to determine the next goal. Sometimes it is hard to understand what we need to change and in which direction to move.

* * * * *

So, I realized that I can really change my life if I set goals for myself. I continue to do it again and again, month after month, and I have excellent results.

Here are some passwords that I used in the last two years. From them you can get an idea of ​​how my life has changed thanks to this method.

Forgive @ her (Forgive her) ← is dedicated to the ex-wife, it all started with this
Quit @ smoking4ever (quit smoking forever) ← worked
Save4trip @ thailand (Save up for a trip to Thailand) ← worked
Eat2times @ day (there are twice a day) ← did not work, stayed in the body
Sleep @ before12 (Go to bed before 12) ← worked
Ask @ her4date (Invite her on a date) ← worked. I fell in love again
No @ drinking2months (Do not drink 2 months) ← worked. Feeling great
MovE @ togeth3r (Start living together) ← worked
Get @ c4t! (Get a cat) ← worked. We have a wonderful cat.
Facetime2mom @ sunday (Talking with mom through FaceTime every Sunday) ← worked. I talk to my mom every week.

This password is now worth it:

Save4 @ ring (save for ring) ← Life must change again

* * * * *

I'm still anxiously waiting for the new month to come up with a new password that will motivate me to achieve my goal.

This method has helped me for the last 2 years and I shared it with close friends and relatives. I don’t think this is some kind of breakthrough, but it had a dramatic impact on my life, so I decided to share it with you.

Try it! Choose your goals correctly, take them seriously and you can change your life. Share your experience with me!

Do not forget to use complex passwords for security. Add at least one character or number to it, do not make it short, mix the words in the sentence. S4f3ty_f1rst! (Safety first!)

Share the method with someone he can help.

* * * * *

Updated June 21, 2014. She said yes.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231181/

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