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PCE.js and old hardware in the browser

Good day to everyone this Friday.

Soon the weekend, I propose to distract from the urgent affairs and ponastolgirovat.
I am surprised that this interesting project was honored, it seems, with only one comment on HabrE + mentions of Windows 1.01.

For those who do not know, I explain - this is an emulator of different old platforms in the browser (I think soon Windows XP will see the ported to the coffee scripts).

Since that post there have already appeared a lot of interesting things.

jamesfriend.com.au/pce-js/ibmpc-win - Windows 3.0 Emulator:

jamesfriend.com.au/pce-js - System 7 Emulator (Macintosh)
jamesfriend.com.au/pce-js/system6 - System 6 too
jamesfriend.com.au/pce-js/pce-js-apps - there are more applications and games, also System 7.

Engaged in this project James Friend .

Personally, I was very interested in poking at System 7, since I had the Apple PowerBook 150 - my very favorite laptop, unfortunately it is unlikely to be repaired and from those just lying on the shelf, throwing it away simply does not lift.

Any reference:
jamesfriend.com.au - Website of the author of emulators
github.com/jsdf/pce - Github
twitter.com/jsdfco - twitter author

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231169/

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