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Google launched Google App Engine

Google is not just talking about hosting applications. Today, they launched the Google App Engine beta, an ambitious project, allowing developers to create scalable web applications. Built platform for BigTable and GFS.

At first glance, this is a copy of their rival Amazon Web Services with a set of web services offered by Amazon Web Services (S3, EC2, SimpleDB). But unlike AWS, which consists of services that are independent of each other, which can then be interconnected by developers (by the way, yesterday Amazon was down), Google’s architecture is more centralized, but therefore less flexible. (For example, in Amazon, you can use your data on S3, regardless of any other services, while at Google, using the BigTable service, you need to host to write a Python script for your application servers that will create access to the web interface).

Developers just need to download their Python code, and run the application, and then monitor various indicators.

* Quick code deployment.
Google App Engine provides its computing resources as much as necessary. Developers need to write code, and Google App Engine takes care of the rest.
* Solves the issue with a sharp surge in the popularity of the project, the sudden increase in traffic is no longer a headache for developers. Google App Engine will take care of this with its own servers.
* Easily integrates with other Google services. This is a huge saving of time and nerves for developers who no longer need to write components for authentication and email from scratch for each new project. Developers using Google App Engine can use built-in components, as well as use the large Google API library.
Only the first 10,000 developers who have time to register will be able to sign up for the beta version and will be allowed to host their applications.

The service is absolutely free for the beta testing period, but there is a limit to use. Applications can not use more than 500 MB of total storage, 200 daily CPU cycles, and 10 GB of traffic per day (in both directions). This is equivalent to roughly viewing a million pages per month, which is normal for a standard web application. After beta testing, these restrictions will be eliminated, everyone will be able to use these parameters for free, but developers will have to pay for any excess. At the moment, Google has not yet set the price for the service.

Google plans to make money from the service using AdSense, hoping that the developers will insert the code into their web applications, but do not expect a real payback.

“The main motivation is to create the most comfortable conditions for developers and move forward, thereby developing the web application market.
If this is easier for developers to create web applications, which entails an increase in the total number of applications, and consequently will attract more users to the Web, and therefore to Google, and this is what we need well ”(Komen)

One of the current limitations is that applications should be written exclusively in Python. Explain this point that Python is their main scripting language (in 2005 they hired the creator of Python Guido van Rossum). Google considers all options with other popular languages.

via Social Trend

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23113/

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