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Modern flash drives lose weight

FV Logo Two completely identical 8-gigabyte Corsair Flash Voyager flash drives (the usual “blue”, not GT) with a difference of 9 months were purchased.

It would seem, well, what can happen in 9 months on the market with a model of a reputable manufacturer? It turns out a lot ...
Old flash driveNew flash drive
Model Flash Voyager 8GbFlash Voyager 8Gb
Part Number07110346-008086012-0
Serial NumberG08G
Date of purchase July 2007 April 2008
Place of purchase Pavilion with crumbling
on SavelovskomSunrayz Pro
Price at the time of purchase3400 p.1200 p.
Full capacity, Kb81100767848956
Write speed, MB / s14,57,1
Reading speed, MB / sec31,729.1

Both flash drives are formatted in the same way in FAT32 / 4Kb.
The speeds were measured by copying a 350-megabyte movie into FAR with an external stopwatch.
Now I think either the manufacturer has decided to subdivide the parameters to increase the rating of the “high-speed” model (Flash Voyager GT), or we are seeing an active reduction in the cost of production as the price of the device decreases below the threshold of $ 100.

It's sad, gentlemen.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23108/

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