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Interview for a JavaScript developer post

Recently I read a good post on the topic of job search QA and thought that a similar post would be useful for JavaScript developers. Ultimately, the web is moving forward by leaps and bounds, and there are plenty of applicants for the JavaScript programmer’s position (of course, there are always fewer good ones).

I really want to get away from the senseless demagoguery on the topic “it is imperative to know, but it is not”, so I will build my article around the most popular questions and answers (from the experience of my own interviews and interviews in which I spoke as an interviewer) the time of my professional practice.

Questions Related to General JavaScript Knowledge

JavaScript. , . - « », « JavaScript». .

JS. , 10 , . var a = {}; a.a = a;. IE <= 7 , .. 8 . . - « , N». .

JS. , , ? (« JavaScript»), .

. . jQuery: « (function() {})();?».

. «this». , , , . , var a = function() {}; function a() {};. this.

. . , , .call, .apply .bind . .

== ===.

dd.mm.yyyy. , .

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { 
  setTimeout(function () { 
  }, 0); 

, « , ?»

+new Date()? Date.now(). . , +new Date(); Date + . , , .. - , - .

( ). .

. ( ) . . , , for , Array.prototype.forEach. .

, , . , . , «» . , JS Backbone/Marionette(Chaplin), jQuery, underscore/lodash , . , - :

, jQuery

jQuery ?

$.Deferred. : $.Deferred, Promise'

, :

var jqSelector = $("#selector"),
    nativeSelector = document.getElementById("selector");

//   "" 

//     jQuery
console.log(jqSelector); // , jQuery.cache!

, JS , jQuery.

jQuery.extend. , . , JS.

AJAX- , jQuery. , , - . , , $.ajax, $.get, $.post $.ajaxSettings. .

« », , jQuery . , « , jQuery», , .

, Underscore/Lodash

, , . , , :

_.throttle _.debounce. , .

_.extend. jQuery.extend, .

Underscore. , , , jQuery . .

Lodash vs Underscore.


, , . , «» JS, : , , - , , , /.

, , — , .

f0rk .


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231071/

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