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Heathrow Airport equipped with intelligent toilets on the platform of Intel

The development of the “Internet of Things” will give us a lot of surprises. One of them - computer devices will appear where no one was waiting for them before. Expecting examples is no longer needed - they exist right today. So, the newly opened terminal at London Heathrow Airport is equipped with intelligent toilets on the Intel platform. What is this platform doing there? No, she does not spy on visitors and does not investigate the results of their uh ... activities. Her task is to control the number of visitors; using a sensor mounted above the entrance door, the system counts the number of people entering and leaving. Further, through the cloud service, the airport cleaning service has the ability to track the load on the toilets in real time and, accordingly, wash them in time. Thus, latrines are cleaner, and our life - more comfortable. It's only the beginning!


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231067/

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