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The second law of thermodynamics -> increase in successful projects

Hello, residents of Habr.

I want to tell about how to increase personal efficiency using the knowledge of simple physics and simple theoretical / logical conclusions.
So, Wikipedia says that the second law of thermodynamics is not a law, but formulated postulates, which were first put forward and voiced by two scientists:

In the context of self-development, we are more interested in the first formulation of Clausius. From where it comes up, that if you put a hot body and a cold one next to it, the first one will begin to cool, and the second one will heat up and in time they will be compared in their temperature. It seems that this seems to be another obvious conclusion, but the German scientist saw this as a natural law, which formed this way: "The entropy of isolated systems tends to the maximum ."

Why is this law so important in personal development, self-realization, in business, start-ups, any business? The English writer Charles Snow compared the lack of knowledge of the second law of thermodynamics with the lag of overall development and demanded that this be equated with the ignorance of Shakespeare's plays. This wording says little to you, I think that not many specialists read Shakespeare from the IT sphere, but I think everyone heard about the second law of thermodynamics.
So, Entropy - this term shows a traceless dissipation of energy. The word entropy can be replaced by the word mess, or chaos. Chaos is the opposite of order. Referring to the Dahl dictionary, we will understand that order is “This collection of objects standing in a row, row, row, is unlikely to be random, not vraskid, but one after another; row, line, rank, build; each side of the street, a row of houses, forms an order. ”From this we can conclude that the entropy is the opposite of order. The order can be literally understood as the arrangement of objects “along rows” and it seems to me best to explain this with the example of the sea. There are always waves at sea, never 100% calm, because the sea is not an isolated system. But if theoretically, imagine its isolated and exclude everything that affects the appearance of waves - wind, earthquakes, wildlife, the human factor, we will see the entropy in its pure form, when
S = 1. In the real world, entropy always tends to 1, but less than it. If we add wind to our represented sea, then we will see that it has caused waves that are rising and going to the shore by a ridge, or near. The stronger the wind, the stronger the waves it causes, it can even cause a storm, in these cases a certain order occurs when the sea is divided into rows-crests, and all of them rush towards the coast with the speed of wind. But each wave, no matter how high and long it first of all tends to fall into the sea and fill the gap between the rows, as soon as the wind ceases to influence it.

We draw the first conclusions:

1) The order does not tend to the maximum as entropy. Order is an effect on something, as a result of wasting a certain amount of energy.
Each built house is also a peculiar series, any mountain, rock, and all this does not strive for order, everything seeks for destruction, any house will fall apart once, mountains will turn into plains, trees will die, rocks will crumble.
2) Entropy is also a degree of equilibrium. Its order tends to 0.
3) The formulation of the postulate of Clausius tells us that increasing entropy is a natural, natural process. It grows always.
4) Sometimes we can observe a decrease in entropy. But this is only possible due to the fact that in another part of the Universe it will increase more. A new high-rise in your city is the emergence of a new series, and temporarily it definitely reduces the entropy, but only temporarily because any house will collapse once, and this will make the entropy even stronger.
We make important conclusions:

First conclusion: Any system lives due to the destruction of other systems.
We all live thanks to the sun that burns -> water, that we drink -> vegetation -> air -> animals. We use their energy.
The second conclusion: Any system lives by receiving energy from the outside.
The third conclusion: The more alien energy the system uses, the less its own entropy. This is the most important conclusion that brings us to what I want to say. The more you spend your own energy on routine work, when your commitment to the limit, but you, like a brave horse, rush into a team, think, or maybe you should hire another horse? When we spend energy, we run out of steam, and until our energy recovers a little from us. But if we spend other people's energy, even using other resources, ours remains safe.

I think that I will not make a mistake if I say that the second law of thermodynamics is much more important than Shakespeare's plays for modern people. You see, it often happens that you take up work and put yourself in a frame, “I will do everything myself, I know / learn everything”, as a result, either the project is delayed or it is even possible -> break. Therefore, for personal effectiveness and prosperity, you need to use other people's energy / knowledge / skills / products for their own purposes, use their mistakes, works, libraries and modules, do not create a bicycle thirty-third times, and of course remember the second law of thermodynamics. For in modern life, the success is not the strongest, fastest, and most intelligent, but the one who remembers this beginning and takes advantage of it on time and skillfully.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231047/

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