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Modernization of mirrors in the hallway

The result of my labors

The idea of ​​modernizing the mirror came to me 2 years ago. And for its implementation in the store Ikea was bought a mirror. Also for this mirror photo frame was bought with a weather station. As always, lack of time, laziness and fear did not allow me to realize my idea to the bitter end. And here is my idea, finally realized.

The mirror consists of 3 layers:
1 - glass;
2 - reflective layer (amalgam);
3 - a protective layer;

I was lucky, I also had a 4th layer, a protective film.
The presence of a film in the mirror saved me from making a stencil from an oracle. The stencil was cut right on the mirror, with a stationery knife and ruler:

For etching the protective layer in the nearest pharmacy, a drug for external use DIMEXID, with a concentration of 99% was purchased.

Remove the cut out rectangular piece of the film, instead fill it with DIMEXID, for distribution over the entire surface, you can use a brush:

We wait about 30 minutes until the protective layer softens and then remove it with the hard green side of the kitchen sponge, which is designed for washing dishes. The protective layer of the mirror is different and it is possible that you will soften it much earlier. Fill DIMEXID again for 5 min and remove all residues until the amalgam is clean.


Amalgam is quickly and easily removed by iodine, it dissolves and melts right before your eyes. It took me no more than 2 minutes to remove it.

For exact positioning of the image, we glue the weather station in two places on a double-sided tape. After correct positioning, glue with hot melt on a circle:

The result of my work, look at the video:

If you notice, there are two small holes in the video. One for the IR receiver - since the weather station is equipped with a remote control. The second for the light sensor. At night, the photo frame itself turns off.

In the next article I will tell you how I put a TV in the wall.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231023/

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