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Thoughts on iTunes Store Russia

In recent days, all fans of Apple technology are actively discussing and wondering over what is hidden behind the iSkoro billboards that appeared in Moscow and the two domains itunes-store.ru and iMacintosh.ru. Both that and another is made in recognizable stylistics of Apple and promise SOMETHING on April 21. I tried today to figure out how much this is connected with the real Apple and how real the guesses are about the upcoming opening of the iTunes Store Russia. So…

Let's start with domains.

The publicly available contact information about the owner of the itunes-store.ru domain is the address support@apple.ru, and the iMacintosh.ru domain is generally ... @ apple.com. Hence we conclude that the owners of the domain are directly connected with Apple and their representation in Russia. The idea that it was specifically put down some left-wing addresses, is dismissed, because All e-mails are sent to these e-mails, including passwords for domain management access. Yes, and the registration of domains in Russia is subject to the rules, which include the requirement of authenticity of the information provided about the domain owner.
The second moment.

Apple’s support at first confirmed the information on 21 issues, as the opening date of the iTunes Store, which was extremely strange, Apple usually remains completely silent, until the release of what is causing the news. However, Apple soon began to disown - they had nothing to do with it. This is normal and fits into the theory that at the beginning some services were not warned about the need to be silent, and then the error was quickly corrected.

The third moment.

The style of the two sites and the poster iSkoro is clearly Apple. In addition, the sites have the inscription iTunes Store Russia. The use of such moves to advance SOMETHING that is not related to Apple is a very rude move, which can lead to lawsuits, because Apple has registered trademarks.
(It’s really worth noting that the billboard and the websites are united only by the date April 21 and the inscription of a single word iSkoro. So maybe the billboards are not related to Apple, and someone wants to be promoted by a well-known brand.)

Fourth moment.

Russian representation of Apple keeps silence. Strange, assuming that they have nothing to do with it, and someone brandish their brand throughout the network.

These were the four reasons "rather FOR". As for the arguments refuting the opening of the iTunes Store, I was able to find only one - at a recent press conference, Apple representatives argued that there would be nothing of the kind in the near future in Russia. This is really, strange.

All this, of course, does not prove anything, but after all the arguments, I think that on the 21st we will still see the iTunes Store in Russia. Wait is not long.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23102/

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