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IM + team released protected messenger

I think everyone who occasionally glanced at IM hubs or even just glanced at Habrahabr's main page, could not help but notice the increased relevance of security topics. There is no need to go far for examples - these are programs such as Telegram (and now Telegram HD), additional functions or add-ons for classic instant messengers (from the immortal Miranda to separately presented functions in IM +).

However, after successful newcomers, the dinosaur in the IM market is already entering the “race” - this is the German company SHAPE AG, which has been working in this field since 2002. Inspired by the strategy of multi-year development of IM +, their new client Sicher turned out immediately and free and multiplatform (iOS, Android and Windows Phone), and, finally, safe.
Unlike the simple “Telegram” pronunciation, the newcomer acquired the name “Zicher”, which, as translated from German, according to Google Translate, means at the same time “safe”, “reliable”, and also “of course” and “probably”.

Although about Sicher already briefly recalled here in this topic-comparison , I’ll briefly tell you what is the difference from the existing and popular competitors:

With the latest update, stronger encryption keys are used (2048-bit instead of 1024-bit). Actually, in accordance with the standard, the key length will be effective for several more years.

Also added the ability to verify the identity of the interlocutor outside the service using a fingerprint public key.

Now we can safely say that Sicher corresponds to the well-known comic book:

Unfortunately, it cannot be ruled out that the NSA didn’t stock up on supercomputers to crack the encrypted photo of your cat, but for “simple hackers” for some reason, they intercepted the encrypted archive of your messages with the device (yes, it is also encrypted), it will not be possible.

Another nice difference is that the content of messages is not announced in the status bar. This is especially nice when someone is standing next to a vehicle, and the same Hangout happily scrolls in the top line “Do you know what I’m wearing right now ...”

Today in the bank, I watched the cashiers deftly operating with iPads, instead of the main work computers. I want to believe that they transferred a photo of my payment card in no less secure ways.

Although in the demo images of the Windows Phone version of the application there is no Alexandra Gray, but the design of the messenger elusively resembles the new Hangout (for iOS) and Telegram (just like Telegram HD) at the same time.

Together with the work already done on security, the developers promise such “typical” functions for modern instant messengers as “stickers”, an expanded selection of emoticons for emotions, and other beauties. As for me, it is much more important that using Siher ​​you can send any type of files, not just media.

It remains to wait if real giants will join this race and how soon will we wait for a secret Hangout, a safe iMessage or a special, really protected Skype? Time will tell, but for now you can take care of your own safety yourself. And what is nice - at no extra cost.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231019/

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