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Popularization of information security through cartoons

Information security, perhaps, remains one of the most ungrateful branches of IT: experts on it are suspected of doing nothing, as long as everything is in order, then they are accused of negligence, when something happened. All the work on providing information security is often accompanied by an irritated attitude of other employees, who perceive all the activities and requirements of security guards as a desire to prevent everyone else from quietly doing their work.

The management is constantly tormented by the dilemma of “everything is all right with us because of well-placed information security, or because the threats are exaggerated?” And, often inclined to the second explanation, constantly strives to cut budgets or requires perpetual justifications for the economic return from the IB costs, and investment models that are clearly not suitable for information security.

As a result, information security specialists are often misunderstood and face serious difficulties in bringing the basic things to all those who surround them in an easy and accessible manner: manuals, developers, staff’s office plankton , etc. The following cartoons. Perhaps viewing them will be more effective than standard instructions and will make the work of information security specialists at least a little easier, or, in extreme cases, just kill a couple of hours of working time by the security men themselves.

Security Vs. Compliance: When Regulations Run Things

Data Leaks: Don't Ignore Those Data “Drips”

Smartphone Security: When “Bring Your Own” Brings You Down

Data Security ROI: When Measurements Matter

Email Security: When Good News Goes Bad

Cloud Security: Don't Get Too Cozy In The Cloud

Laptop Security: Convenient WiFi Or Rogue Hotspot?

Social Engineering: Don't Trust Fancy Ties & Polished Lies

DDoS Attacks: Don't Get Smoked Out

Business Continuity: Mother Nature, Not Always Your Friend

Multi-Network Security: The Risk Exposure Of A Merger

Sly Security Breaches: Hurt You Can't Know

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231015/

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