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Summary of the preparation of pitch-performance

Recently, start-ups are gaining more and more popularity, where participants are struggling to get investment to develop their project. One of the important steps to achieve this goal is the ability to present your idea, the drafting of which will be discussed in this article.

As a rule, presentation at such events is called pitch. And the first thing to understand when preparing it is what it is. A pitch is a presentation whose goal is to sell an idea, project, plan, yourself, team, etc.

The next point that needs to be understood is for whom such speeches are made. Of course, if we talk about startup competitions, they are made for investors, but in addition they can be prepared for bankers, potential sponsors, management, employees, clients, partners. In general, for all who need to sell something.
Third, it should be understood that there are several types of pitch performances:

1) Elevator pitch , the duration of which is 1 minute. The main goal is to interest the investor to get an invitation to the second meeting. For this minute it is necessary to have time to briefly talk about the existing problem; about the decision you are proposing; and tell what are the prospects for the monetarization of this project.

2) Idea pitch , the duration of which is up to 3 minutes. This type of pitching is most often practiced in startup contests. It consists of the following elements:

1. The name of the project. You shouldn’t spend time on introducing yourself and telling about all the cool members of the team, leave it on the part of the presentation that is specially allocated for it. At first it is worth confining only to the name of the project.
2. The problem. It is best to present it in the form of a story, during the story of which investors have associations and visual images of the problem.
3. Solution. Simply, briefly and clearly explain the solution to the problem and its distinctive features in comparison with the existing analogues, if any.
4. Market volume. Show total market size; the part of the market you plan to get; and the target audience at this stage of the project.
5. Business model. Demonstrate how the project will generate money, where it comes from, how much the project will bring in a year and most importantly, where the figures come from, why you are making these assumptions.
6. Team. Tell us about the experts who are in the team, about their achievements.
7. Conclusion. Say the most important things that should remain in the memory of investors. And of course, do not forget to write your contacts.

3) Funding pitch , the duration of which is about 7-10 minutes. Funding pitch is a more extensive presentation than Idea pitch, which, in addition to the above points, should include such sections as: competitors, market entry strategy, current position and necessary investments.

In addition, when preparing the pitch, you must:
- thoroughly prepare: train in front of the mirror, friends, family, so that first, the idea is clear to absolutely everyone; and secondly, to learn to keep eye contact with all those present;
- avoid specific terms. If relatives, friends, boyfriend / girlfriend do not understand what is going on, then you probably should change the content, because Investors are not encyclopedias and they do not know everything about everything. In general, the basic rule that should be followed in such speeches, - KISS - keep it stupid simple;
- avoid lengthy explanations;
- avoid lying. Investors, before investing their money, will make an analysis and, if it turns out that they have been deceived, your reputation will be a bit trampled;
- avoid a huge amount of text in the slides and, if possible, replace it with graphs, tables and pictures. And in general, the less “noise” on the slide, the better.
- make a good analysis of the market and competitors in order to be able to answer the questions of investors following the pitch.

Good pitch performances can be seen on the example of the finalists of the global startup competition in Get in the Ring: Investment Battle. www.valorisatierotterdam.nl/valorisatieprogramma-rotterdam/nieuws/2013/11/21/finalist-get-in-the-ring

By the way, the National selection of this competition is being held in 50 countries around the world, so if you have ideas and a desire to fight for investments of up to 1,000,000 euros, which will be played out in the final competition at World Entrepreneurship Week, then you should try your hand and pass the National selection.

Summarizing the above, when preparing the pitch, you need to:
1. Remember that you are selling;
2. Determine which pitch format is appropriate for a particular situation;
3. Use the necessary components to sell a startup.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/231013/

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