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Sleep Biohacking: Science-Confirmed Tips

Sleep is still one of the greatest mysteries for science, like gravity and a quantum field. We still do not understand why we are sleeping, although we are learning more and more about it. The following tips are collected for those who can not sleep for a long time, wakes up often, does not feel rested the next morning, or simply wants to improve the quality of their sleep.

Sleep in complete darkness

The room should be dark, as in a deep cave. Since man has been sleeping in the open since ancient times, our circadian rhythm is regulated by light. And even the LED on any device in your room can disrupt the production of melatonin and serotonin, which are responsible for the circadian rhythm. Therefore, turn off the gadgets, close the door tightly, turn off the lights in the corridor and throw out the lights. When even a very weak light enters the retina through the eyelids, it is able to knock down the course of work of our “internal clock”. The best option is to fall asleep at sunset (yes, we know that this is a very inconvenient option). It gets dark late in the summertime, so the already decreasing melatonin production decreases even more due to the abundance of light sources in the dark. Since the invention of the light bulb in the 19th century, there is much more light around us at night than ever during our evolution.

Avoid light sources in the blue part of the spectrum at night.

Blue light sources are especially harmful for sleep , in particular, displays of various gadgets. Even if you are awake at night, we recommend using glasses that block the blue part of the spectrum. Studies show that such glasses prevent the suppression of melatonin production, which is extremely important at night, even if you are awake.

There are other ways to "protect" the blue part of the spectrum in different light sources at night. For example, the program F.lux automatically adjusts the brightness and color gamut of the display of your gadget depending on the time of day or information from the light sensor. But one question does not give rest: why are you sitting at night in front of the screen instead of sleeping?

Using the red part of the spectrum

Different parts of the spectrum have different effects on the emotional and physical state of a person, both positive and negative. Red lighting can be effectively used to reduce nervousness and stimulate healing mechanisms. The red part of the spectrum (600-1000 nm) relieves stress and improves metabolism. In addition, red light helps to fall asleep and rest better during sleep , reduces headache, nasal congestion, sore throat and ears, cough. Red light increases melatonin production and enhances muscle tissue regeneration. All this is especially important for residents of the metropolis, who are very few on the street and are experiencing a shortage of sunlight.

The benefits of red light for human health have long been known. Niels Finsen (Niels Finsen) in 1895 published the article "Treatment with red light from black pox", and in 1903 received the Nobel Prize in medicine for his research on the health effects of light. In 1910, John Kellogg published the book Light Therapy, in which he described the use of light in the treatment of diabetes, obesity, chronic fatigue, insomnia, baldness, and many other ailments.

For therapy with the help of red light, it is enough to purchase an infrared light bulb and screw it in instead of the usual one. We recommend to include it for the whole night.

Air temperature

According to research , for the best quality sleep, a state of thermoneutrality is necessary. It is achieved when the air temperature in the room is 30-32 degrees, if you sleep without pajamas and blankets, otherwise - 16-19 degrees. That is, if you sleep in pajamas and / or under a blanket, then the room should be pretty cool. At temperatures above or below these ranges, sleep duration decreases.

Electromagnetic fields

Their influence on our physiology is underestimated by so many. However, electromagnetic fields are also able to inhibit the activity of the pineal gland, which produces melatonin and serotonin, not to mention other negative consequences . Various devices emit fields with a higher frequency of oscillations in comparison with the electromagnetic field of our body. For example, household electrical network generates with a frequency of 50-60 Hz, while our brain during sleep generates a field with a frequency of 2 Hz. This divergence of frequencies can make it difficult to fall asleep or go out of the deep sleep phase if you do fall asleep. The brain tries to bring the frequency of generation of its own electromagnetic field in accordance with the frequency of the external field.

Ideally, you need to protect yourself at night from the effects of various artificially created fields. Unfortunately, in terms of the metropolis is almost impossible. But you can at least reduce the number and intensity. There is another way: use a device that generates an electromagnetic field with a frequency close to the natural one for humans. It is believed that in this case, the mitochondria in the cells of our body work with the greatest efficiency, which allows us to extend the life of cells and all systems of our body.

Sleep procedure

Going to bed, it is best to do an exercise that allows you to calm the nervous system and equalize the heart rhythm. It can be meditation, breathing exercises, aromatherapy and even massage. Your goal is to relax and quickly fall asleep. Having found the most suitable means for you, use it every night.

As Aristotle said, “We are what we regularly do. Then perfection becomes not an action, but a habit. ”

Do not drink liquids for two hours before bedtime.

This will reduce the likelihood of awakening due to the desire to visit the toilet. Or, at least, reduce the frequency. It is also advisable to refrain from eating during this period, since the digestion process will prevent the body from slowing down its metabolism.

Go to the toilet right before bedtime

It will also reduce the likelihood of awakening in the middle of the night. You can also eat a few high-protein snacks a few hours before bedtime, this will give your body a portion of L-tryptophan, which is necessary for the production of melatonin and serotonin.

If you are engaged in athletics, then pay attention to the following study . Taking protein before bed improves recovery of the body after exercise. The level of amino acids, which is maintained throughout the night, quickly rises. Reception of proteins enhances their production in the body itself (311 ± 8 against 246 ± 9 micromoles • kg for 7.5 h). Muscle protein synthesis increases by about 22%.

Avoid light snacks before bedtime, especially cereal products and sweets.

This increases blood sugar and makes it difficult to fall asleep. Later, when the sugar content drops below normal (hypoglycemia), you may wake up and not be able to fall asleep again.

Eat right carbohydrates for dinner

Such carbohydrates can spur the production of tryptophan and serotonin, involved in the mechanism of sleep. At the University of Sydney, a study was conducted among 12 men aged 12 to 35 years. They all had no trouble sleeping. The experiment lasted for three weeks, once a week they spent the night in the laboratory.

At first, subjects abstained from food for five hours. After which they proceeded to the meal, and after a few hours went to bed. The menu was the same: rice with steamed vegetables in tomato puree. But the type of rice and meal times changed every time. Jasmine rice was served for the first time, and after one hour they announced a hang-over. The second time, jasmine rice was served again, but already 4 hours before bedtime. For the third time in a dish, long grain rice was used and also 4 hours before the end of the day.

Researchers changed the type of rice to assess the effect of high and low glycemic index carbohydrates. Jasmine rice has a high index, long grain has a low index. When eating occurred 4 hours before bedtime, the process of falling asleep took an average of 9 minutes. When using jasmine rice an hour before sleep, the sleep time averaged 15 minutes. The subjects lasted the longest after consuming long grain rice 4 hours before bedtime — an average of 18 minutes. Nutrition has no other effect on the sleep of men. The mechanism of the effect of the glycemic index on sleep is not clarified by scientists. It is assumed that these carbohydrates increase the level of tryptophan and serotonin, which makes us sleepy, but precise measurements of the concentration of these substances have not been carried out. Also, researchers note that adding protein products may change the results of the study.

What foods contain healthy carbohydrates:

Take a hot bath or shower at bedtime or visit the sauna

If you raise your body temperature before bedtime, it will decrease when you are already in bed, which will facilitate the process of falling asleep.

Wear socks at night

Unlike the rest of the body, the legs are often cold at night because the blood circulates through them the worst. Research shows that putting on socks before bedtime reduces the chance of waking up from the cold. Alternatively, a hot water bottle or hot water bottle can be placed on the feet.

Wear a mask over your eyes

As mentioned above, it is very important to sleep in COMPLETE darkness. But since it is not always possible to do this, especially in the city, a soft eye mask can help you.

No tv before bed

And it is better to remove the TV from the bedroom. Ideally - throw this hellish box out of the house. Watching television unnecessarily stimulates our brain and impairs the work of the epiphysis, making it very difficult to quickly fall asleep. We also remind that in the light of the TV screen, the proportion of the blue spectrum is high, about the dangers of which we also wrote above.

Listen to the relaxing tapes.

Someone has a pacifying effect of white noise or the sounds of nature, the sound of the ocean or the forest. I personally like Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Delta Sleep System .

Below are the patterns of brain activity characteristic of different states:

Read something spiritual or sublime before bed.

No matter what: the story, novel, story, historical description. Well go biographies of famous people. Of course, if their lives can be described in terms of the title, the adventures of Iggy Pop or Malyuta Skuratov will not inspire you for something sublime.

Also a great way to relax and gain a good mood before going to bed is keeping a diary. It is enough to devote five minutes before bedtime, write down your thoughts, experiences and events for the day, thank life for one more lived day. This habit very well helps not only to fall asleep quickly, but also gives you the opportunity to evaluate the events of the day, to look at them from a different angle, perhaps to change your attitude towards them. The main thing is to find a reason to be grateful .

Avoid drugs

Perhaps it makes no sense to somehow substantiate this thesis. If it is not clear to you what drugs are bad for, including for sleeping, then we recommend contacting a narcologist.

Avoid caffeine

In some people, caffeine is not processed properly, which affects the body for a long time after use. Therefore, even an afternoon cup of coffee or tea will not let such "lucky ones" fall asleep at night. Please note that some medications also contain caffeine in their composition.

Avoid alcohol

Although many become drowsy from alcohol, this is a short-term effect. Drunk often wake up and fall asleep for a long time, while in a half-nap. Alcohol also makes it difficult to go into a deep sleep phase, during which the brain and body recover best. This explains why so many people rely on alcohol when they need to fall asleep, but in the end it only exacerbates insomnia. The effect of fast falling asleep in the first half of the night is completely leveled by a shallow and intermittent sleep in the second half.

The stage of the so-called slow-sleep (SWS) increases under the influence of alcohol. However, the fast sleep stage (REM) suffers, during which we see dreams and the brain, presumably, processes the memories for the past day.

Do exercises

Regular exercises for half an hour a day will improve your ability to fall asleep quickly. But do not do exercises in the evenings, on the contrary it will prevent you from falling asleep. The best time to practice is morning.

Lose weight

This advice has a lot of profit, but we will touch only those related to sleep. Excess weight increases the risk of sleep apnea, which seriously affects the quality of sleep. There is an inverse relationship: lack of sleep provokes weight gain. Therefore, analyze your diet and stick to a healthier and more balanced diet. Important point: having limited yourself in food, it is very important to get enough sleep every day. According to research , in this case dieters lose more than half of their weight as fat. For those who do not get enough sleep, fat is only 25% of the weight dropped. In addition, lack of sleep increases the level of ghrelin, a hormone responsible for the feeling of hunger, and also reduces the overall energy consumption.

Acupuncture Mattress

Of course, this is not a real acupuncture. Probably all of you remember such a thing from childhood as the Kuznetsov iplikator . This is a fabric backing, on which small plates with short plastic spikes are sewn evenly. According to studies, while lying on a similar mattress, a whole range of different “beneficial” hormones is produced, including endorphin and melatonin. In particular, such pseudo-acupuncture very effectively improves the quality of sleep, and in some cases relieves insomnia.

Such a mattress can be easily made independently, Kuznetsov iplikator is widely available commercially.

Avoid foods that are sensitive to you.

Especially it concerns sugar, grain and pasteurized dairy products. Hypersensitivity reactions can be expressed in constipation, intestinal disorders, bloating, gas formation and other troubles.

In 1987, a study was conducted, during which it became clear that the majority of babies with poor sleep were in fact allergic to milk. 71 babies were divided into three groups: 1) with a sleep disorder, 2) with symptoms of milk allergy (many of them also did not sleep well), 3) the control group, without information about the quality of sleep and the presence of allergies. The first and second groups showed signs of milk allergy, and when it was excluded from their diet, the quality of sleep improved markedly. Returning milk again led to insomnia.

Increase melatonin levels

This hormone runs through the whole article. Melatonin increases drowsiness, helps you sleep faster and wake up less often, improves the body's rest during sleep and reduces fatigue during the day. This natural substance produced by our body, in addition to sleep, has a beneficial effect on a number of other physiological aspects.

It is best to increase the level of melatonin in a natural way - by exposure to bright sunlight in the daytime. And you can also use fluorescent lamps, I use the Philips goLITE BLU Light Therapy Device.

Melatonin can be purchased as a dietary supplement. You should not take it daily, because it can cause a negative effect. However, it will be useful to take it during the week every month, three hours before bedtime, 1-3 mg.

Take Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 not only increases our energy during the day, but also stimulates the production of melatonin at night. Also, this vitamin contributes to a more intense drop in the level of melatonin in the morning, which makes it easier to wake up. However, the positive effect of B12 in sleep disorders is not observed in all subjects.


Before embarking on experiments to improve your sleep, it would be good to fix a certain point of reference in order to evaluate the results of your efforts. To do this, you can pass some tests and pass the analysis of ASI-analysis (Adrenal Stress Index). We are interested in fluctuating the level of certain hormones produced by the adrenal glands during the day.

The level of hormone production varies with some cyclical. The highest concentration is reached in the morning, the least - at night. An ASI test involves taking saliva samples during the day: before breakfast, at noon, at lunch and before bed. The level of cortisol in the early morning should be the highest compared with the rest of the day. He gives us strength and energy at the beginning of the day. In a healthy person, the graph of cortisol concentration roughly corresponds to that presented above. Notable deviations indicate problems.

A high level of cortisol at night suggests that you have difficulty relaxing after daytime stresses and have difficulty falling asleep. It also shortens the phase of REM sleep and does not allow to fully relax during the night, deprives of energy in the morning.

If the level of cortisol is normal during the day and in the evening, but too high early in the morning, this indicates a too early rise (4-6 hours) and non-spilling.

The third characteristic type of graphics: cortisol levels are consistently high throughout the day. This indicates chronic stress, when the adrenal glands can no longer cope with the high production of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) to compensate for cortisol levels.

These situations can have very serious consequences for human health, and not only on the quality of sleep. It may weaken the immune system, reduce the intensity of skin renewal, degrade muscle tissue, lose weight and osteoporosis.

ASI-analysis can also help in getting rid of the following ailments:

We hope these tips will help you gain control over your sleep and, as a result, your health. And what methods to improve sleep do you use?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230987/

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