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Change the usual and go into history! Intel RealSense App Challenge 2014 Application Contest Starts

One of Intel's favorite things to do is to break established stereotypes, which is why it so fervently supports everything new that appears in our digital world. And not so much support, how many invents and develops. One of the technologies of the near future developed by Intel is the interface “with a human face” (well, with your hands, too, and with your voice) RealSense . While promoting this technology, Intel held the first application contest last year - then it was called the Intel Perceptual Computing Challenge . Time to take a new step. For the year, the project not only changed its name - its program part was updated . Surely those who want to try their hand have been added - there is enough work for both them and the “old men”. So, go ahead, rewarding experience, prizes and fame are waiting for you.

Competition Intel RealSense App Challenge 2014 starts today, July 28. To make our post as useful as possible for the participants, we’ll immediately provide its full schedule:

Prize winners will be announced at the end of February 2015.

The competition will simultaneously run 2 tracks: Ambassador and Pioneer. Permanent members of the community who participated in last year’s competition will be invited to the Ambassador track; The Pioneer track is open to everyone, including you too. Applications will need to be defined in one of 5 categories:

It will be necessary to draw up your applications in English and all contest materials, of course, also on it. However, do not tremble ahead of time. Intel's Russian office promises full assistance to domestic participants. It is planned to conduct webinars and laboratory work, the company's specialists will hold consultations. Join our VKontakte and Google+ groups, ask questions and stay tuned.

Now about the prizes. The main prize is $ 25,000 . The first prize in the category - $ 25,000 , the second two - at $ 10,000 . Main prize and first prize can be added up. Up to 50 prizes are planned for an earlier $ 1000 demo, in addition, the top 250 in the Pioneer track will receive a special prize - the Intel NUC computer.

But business, of course, not only in money. Each Intel contest is not only an opportunity to earn money, but also a chance to loudly declare itself to the whole world. Beautiful, spectacular demos will be shown at various events, included in presentations and speeches, materials of our partners. Ultimately, this will be a plus not only for your karma, but also for your career too.

And, of course, this is a special feeling - to be involved in the design of the future. Perhaps now RealSense seems to be just a toy, but what will you say in 5 years, when the interface you have proposed becomes common? The speed of development of today's technology gives you a chance to be involved in truly great things. Do not miss it!

For the greatest inspiration see the video of the winner of last year's competition. All winners - on a special page of the competition .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230969/

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