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Microsoft Soap Dish

According to PR-manager for online services of Microsoft in Russia, Elena Prokudina, approximately at the end of this week the company will launch the project “Soap Dish” (mailnica.ru) in runet. Rumors of this went on the web on April 1, but were not involved in this significant date. Soap Dish is a mailing service on the Windows Live Hotmail platform and gives you the opportunity to get yourself a box on one of 200 delicious domains. Among them, for example, is a whole series of domains starting with ya: ya-krevetko.ru, yaholostoy.ru, yabaldeyu.ru, yaktulhu.ru, etc.

Interest in the service indirectly fueled the observation of several bloggers . It was noted that on March 21, RuCenter issued a domain with, to put it mildly, the controversial name bespesdy.ru in possession of Microsoft. Elena, however, denies this fact, and RuCenter, in accordance with its rules, refuses to issue information about the history of the administration of a domain without a lawyer’s request or law enforcement demands. Apparently, the use of this domain caused internal contradictions in the company and it was decided to abandon it. Now he, like dozens of addresses, obtained by replacing one or two letters in similar “soap-ones”, belongs to a private person.

In addition to interest in the service, this story once again raised the question of ethics, about which the spokesman for RuCentr, Andrei Vorobyov, said the following. “Unfortunately, there is still no single stop-list of“ obscene domains ”that is mandatory for all accredited registrars (it should be developed, accepted and timely updated by the Coordination Center of the national domain RU). As long as each registrar will independently determine the degree of “obsceneness” of domains, the appearance of not quite censorship domains is more a pattern than an accident. ”


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23095/

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