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Tournament of Young Physicists

Good afternoon dear friends!

First, I will say a little about myself. My name is Michael, this year I finished school (SSCC NSU). For two years now I have been involved in the tournament of young physicists (abbreviated TĂśV) and twice traveled as part of the Russian team to the international tournament, which is also called the World Cup in Physics among Schoolchildren. The story about the tournament, and how the current students explore the world around, from a recent student waiting for you under the cut.

Demonstration from TUFovskogo report

What is TĂśV?

So what is TĂśV?
Wikipedia says:
The “Tournament of Young Physicists” is a collective competition of high school students in the ability to solve complex scientific problems, convincingly present their solutions, and defend them in scientific discussions - physical fights.

We will understand in order. There are many different tournaments, the main of which is international (aka IYPT). At the end of July, the IYPT organizing committee publishes a list of seventeen tasks that will be played this year. This is the beginning of the new season, which will last almost a year, right up to the international tournament, which will be held in early July next year.
Example tasks 2014: Russian version , English version .

Example of one task:
With a slight collision of two steel balls or hard balls of other materials, you can hear an unusual “chirping” sound. Explore and explain the nature of this sound.

So, when the tasks are published, the regional organizing committees translate them for their tournaments (in some countries, the tasks are added or changed during the regional tournament), and the teams begin their work, prepare the tasks. But about the preparation process a little later. For now, I will only say that while doing the tasks we go deep into the physics of phenomena, we build theoretical models, conduct experiments, periodically finding something truly new.

And then came the desired hour when the tournament starts. In Russia there are several tournaments besides the All-Russia. For example, in Siberia we have our own separate Siberian tournament , which does not play out the full set of tasks, but only ten from the IYPT list. But, as a rule, the structure of all tournaments, if not the same, is very similar.

Tournament structure

At the beginning of any tournament, a draw is held, with the help of which it is decided who will compete with which teams to fight in physical battles, which will start immediately several hours after the opening. The average physical fight lasts for 3-4 hours, and the total fights for the tournament are 4-5.

Now about the structure of the battle itself. There are three roles: speaker, opponent and reviewer, each of them has its own tasks. The speaker should tell about his decision of the task, the opponent to understand the decision of the speaker, in his speech to make a review of the report and hold a 10-minute discussion on the problem, discussing the solution with the speaker. The reviewer is obliged to penetrate into the position of the speaker and the opponent, to analyze the fight, highlight the report, the opponent's speech, discussion and express his opinion on the decision. An important aspect of the work of the opponent and the reviewer is that, according to the rules, they have no right to disclose their decision during a speech.

It is the opponent's team that determines which task will be played during the battle. The opponent calls the speaker to the task, and during the tournament each team has the right to refuse only three times, otherwise fines will be applied to it.

Then the battle itself begins (I quote with a timeline, as this is followed very strictly):

- The opponent calls the speaker on the task (1 min);
- The speaker accepts the call (1 min);
- Rapporteur preparation (5 min);
- Presentation of the report (12 min);
- Questions on the understanding of the report from the opponent to the speaker (2 min);
- Preparation of the opponent (3 min);
- Speech opponent (4 min);
- Discussion of the opponent and the speaker (10 min);
- The opponent summarizes the discussion (1 min);
- Questions for understanding from the reviewer to the speaker and opponent (3 min);
- Preparation of the reviewer (2 min);
- Speech of the reviewer (4 min);
- The final word of the speaker (2 min);
- Questions of the jury (5 min) (Yes, they even monitor the fact that the jury would fit in time, so no more than 2 questions from one jury member).

Then the teams change roles, in the end, each team will visit all three roles for the fight.

At the end of each round, teams are given marks on a ten-point system, which are then averaged and multiplied by a factor corresponding to the role (3 for the speaker, 2 for the opponent, 1 for the reviewer). Thus, the maximum that a team can get is 60 points. A well-played fight is considered when the sum of points has exceeded forty. Next, a rating table is compiled in accordance with the points. After the fifth bout, the first three teams reach the final.

The final

In the final, the most interesting decisions are revealed, because here the three strongest teams choose for themselves what task to report to them. Often the finals are held in large auditoriums of famous universities, for example, in 2014 the All-Russian Tournament was held at the Novosibirsk State University, the final was in the Big Physical Audience, and there are always a huge number of people willing to look at it. However, the battles here are revealed the hottest, because the score here is already going to the tenth point. For example, this year the winner team in the finals of the international tournament (this was Singapore, by the way) broke away from the next one just 0.1 points!

Final of the Russian Tournament, on the left - opponent Alexander Severinov, on the right - me, speaker Mikhail Luptakov

At the end of the final tournament is appointed.

After the Russian tournament passes, the Russian team is formed, which will represent our country on the IYPT.

Team training

We now turn to the preparation of teams. I will tell you on the example of my teams, first the teams of SSC of NSU (which successfully took the second place in the Russian tournament), and the national team.

I select three stages of preparation, I will tell about each more in detail:

Task physics

At the first stage, we directly solve problems and deal with the physics of phenomena. Of course, this is the most important stage, which lasts all the time, as this is the most important. A good solution of the problem necessarily includes:
- Observation of the phenomenon;
- A quality description;
- Experiments to confirm the qualitative model;
- Quantitative model;
- Experiments to confirm the quantitative model;
- Findings.

This is a kind of skeleton, on top of which the whole solution is built. Of course, we do not dwell only on this and do separate research on interesting points. Examples of solutions for 2012 and 2013 can be seen here .
And here are some slides from our solutions:

Qualitative description of the formation of rings on a twisted rubber cord (task "Rubber motor", 2014)

Mathematical description of the motion of a chain of connected pendulums (Soliton task, 2013)

Experimental setup for the Soliton problem, 2013

In total, 12-14 tasks are being deeply solved during the preparation period, publications are being written in parts of them. So, our team captain, Matyunin Vitaly, wrote an article on the problem of this year - “Freezing drop”, in which the original theoretical model was built, which perfectly agreed with the experiment, and it was accepted for publication in the American Journal of Physics!

Practicing opposition and review

At this stage, both the direct opposition with the review and the behavior of the speaker during the discussion are worked out. At this stage, pitfalls are detected, and sometimes mistakes in our decisions. We are preparing for a discussion both on fairly basic things and considering solutions from completely new perspectives. This is a very important stage, because opposition and review give half points.

Report structuring and presentation preparation

This is the stage that we have not paid much attention to before, and this did not play to our advantage. Our decisions were rather difficult to understand, and at times we ourselves were not calm and concise enough during the reports. But this year the situation has changed and we began to pay attention to this important point. Many thanks to Mikhail Amelkin, director of TION, who helped our team in this direction. Our reports became clear to people who saw them for the first time, and we ourselves began to behave much more confidently in public.

Trip to IYPT 2014

This year at the international tournament in England, the Russian team was represented by the following composition: Matyunin Vitaly (team captain), Alexander Severinov, Pavel Yanko, Roman Doronin and I, Mikhail Luptakov, as well as two coaches: Burykatov Yury Leonidovich and Schetnikov Andrey Ivanovich. It is noteworthy that for the past two years only Novosibirsk schoolchildren have joined the Russian national team.

Team members

I will not talk about the course of the competition itself, for the story about this, written by other team members in detail, can be read here .

The result of this competition was the 8th place in the world and IYPT 2014 silver medals!


In 1979, in the USSR, Yevgeny Yunosov created a tournament. Then it was a different competition in many ways, but the spirit of real physics still exists. That TUFy allow you to try yourself in this research. And it is very joyful to see that this movement is growing and attracting all new schoolchildren and teachers.


Related Links:
IYPT official website
Official site of the Russian Tournament
Official site of the Siberian Tournament

PS If it will be interesting to users of Habr, the topic will be continued in the next posts.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230949/

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