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Programmers, speak correctly!

Hello, gentlemen!

Here, on habrushka, there have already been several soulful posts with prayers to write correctly, and under every fourth post someone does not hold back and writes angry comments on the topic of the next “I like” or “in general”.

And I will talk about pronunciation in the IT world. Because there is no more strength. Blood from the ears is poured at work every day. Here are my ten of the most terrible variants of the pronunciation of terms from our sphere.
  1. Key ~ [kiː] = Key “Kiii”
    Yes, friends, now I will surprise many, but this word is read that way. In my opinion, this is not even an exception. Monkey, donkey, turkey, whiskey - you can navigate by these words. I work in the field of cryptography, so I spend all day endless "private Kei", "Kei containers", "Key protocols" and the like. By the way, the keygen should also be read differently: as "Kiidjen", and not " keygen ". But this word now lives its own life in many ways; perhaps it’s not worth fighting here anymore.

  2. Return ~ [rɪˈtəːn] = “Return” “Riton”
    Where did it come from? Nobody says turn as “turn”. Why did the console turn the world?

  3. Invalid ~ [ɪnˈvælɪd] = "Invalid" "InvElide"
    “Valid-invalid” I am ready to endure. At least this rumor does not hurt me. But here ... "guys, I caught the word here ... the padding from the foreign code and the cannott bi biologist". It’s not that I immediately imagine such a sad excursion in a wheelchair, but anyway, some kind of association is not consciously built up there, preventing me from immediately concentrating on the problem.

  4. Null ~ [nʌl] = "null" "nAll"
    "Well, put there Return Null." No no no. Here, in my opinion, there are no rules, dull and skull are read the same way, but pull and bull are not. So just remember, colleagues.

  5. Bind ~ [baɪnd] = “BIND” “BAND”
    Infinite "binding" rather tired. The origin of this pronunciation is also unclear to me. After all, from school we all remember that there is the word kind. Or here, we do it every day, find. And someone here is listening to grindcore and also pronouncing it correctly.

  6. Binary ~ [ˈbaɪnərɪ] = "bInari" "Biniari"
    Again, if so, then why finally and primary say everything correctly?

  7. Service ~ [ˈsɜːvɪs] = “SerAyS” “SeEvis”
    I would have reconciled myself with the “service” - quite understandable and expected reading of the English word. And then everyone suddenly remembered that the letter i in the open syllable reads like “ai” (rice, like, size, the same binary), but they just forgot that the syllable must be stressed. From here active, justice, Alice. Seriously, no one would ever think of reading Alice as an " email ". Who came to read the " servic " ...

  8. Data ~ [ˈdeɪtə, ˈdætə] = "date" "dEyte, dEte"
    Especially this monstrous databaz. DataBase sounds succinctly and efficiently, the “database” sounds noble and harmonious, and the “date base” sounds tongue-tied and rustic. As in the case of the “disabled”, it is possible that the Russian word “date” means something completely different. Yes, by the way, data is already a plural number. No need to write comments to the exceptions in the spirit of "input data is incorrect". In the singular - datum (for Latin words, the plural is formed in a special way).

  9. Variable ~ [ˈvɛriəbəl] = “VerAable, Verible” “Verable”
    This word, by the way, I myself incorrectly pronounced for some time, I repent. But here the situation is similar to paragraph 6. Table, able, stable, but applicable, clickable, suitable - depends on the stress. The question is - how to find out the correct stress? In general, you need to know the vocabulary; when learning a language, the feeling of “how to speak” appears over time. But I urge here at least occasionally to climb on Google translate, there is a pronunciation of words.

  10. Catalog = "catalog" "catalog"
    This mot here is somewhat separate, because now it is quite a Russian (although generally borrowed from Greek), but it is often used in IT. So, there are no options here, this is not “CREATIONAL” for you. That's right - katalOg. From the point of view of language, the accent on the second syllable sounds as clumsy here as the " ringing ", " beautiful " and " kilometer ".

Friends, I could add even more sardonic remarks to each item, but I still want to give the post more seriousness. The fact is that the problem will not just go away. Of course, most of the time we either read or write down all these words. However, even we, IT professionals, sometimes have to talk. Namely, speaking at conferences, teaching, or tritely discussing current tasks for projects at rallies. Not only does a specialist lose some authority in the eyes of those who fumble more or less in English, but others also become infected with the wrong pronunciation.

Imagine such a situation - a new junior junior, fresh from uni arrives in the department. At first, he will grumble and be afraid to discuss on any topics at all. And here on the discussion the team leader will say about some " servais ". Our newcomer may know English at the proper level, but it will be embarrassing to make a comment. Well, if he himself will remember how to speak correctly. Worse, if he thinks that, for example, “retourn” is such a cool professional pronunciation. After 5 years, he will become a timlid and the situation will repeat.

I tried not to load the post with rules (which I don’t really know in detail), just some words are easily remembered when referring to other, very well-known words. In English there are tons of exceptions, therefore, perhaps, the analogies cited by me can include no less well-known "counter-analogies." Anyway, I suggest to take into account this list. Retraining to pronounce words is not as difficult and long as it seems. So if during the reading of the article you found a flaw, come to work this morning and surprise your colleagues with the phrase “did you know that <term> actually reads like <correct pronunciation> ?” We all respect logic here and evidence, therefore, a convincing argument must conquer in us laziness and inertia.

Waiting for additions in the comments!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230945/

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