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Modular comics - an easy way to captivate an audience

The struggle for the attention of the reader / audience is gaining momentum. The author has been observing the behavior of people at presentations for a long time (sitting side by side) and is slightly shocked at the speed with which most individuals enter the half asleep state.

Lectures on visual thinking and various recipes to improve the "digestibility" of information have already managed to fill the teeth. Actually, why comics?


Comics "pushes" to build a presentation in the form of a story, at the same time acting as some guarantee of simplicity of presentation. You must admit that very often additional restrictions only benefit the business.
Moreover, personification and narration, in the context of the created “problem” or conditional situation, greatly simplifies perception, exploiting our susceptibility to “talking pictures” and simplified images. But not a single presentation. Here is the real story, by the way:


It remains a matter of small things - to adapt your story to the proposed format and "portray" everything at its best. To concentrate, obviously, is on the first task, but very often there is a shift of priorities and a lot of time is spent on drawing and style development. Actually, the solution to this particular problem will be proposed just below.

The proposed approach will provide:

In any case, this approach will save a significant amount of time. Initially, the task was formulated approximately as follows: it is necessary to allow a person without proper experience and skills to create graphic material of acceptable quality. A person with due experience and skills (thanks to AterLeo) created the most simple and “clean” style, presenting it in the form of a simple modular library.


By the way, a brutal man with an earring in its basic form looks somewhat different. This is because it would be difficult to create in advance the whole variety of options, instead, the process of “refinement” was simplified:


It is worth noting that the article was written some time after the creation of the style, respectively, below were collected some examples (sometimes very unexpected) of its use.

An example of an illustration to the note “What will happen if you use a phone without a case?”


In the plans:

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230941/

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