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Geomagnetic storm that just missed the earth

On July 23, 2012, the Sun released two powerful clouds of plasma, which missed each other very little with the earth's atmosphere. According to NASA physicists , these were the most powerful coronal mass ejections in the last 150 years. If the plasma hit the Earth, most likely, it would have caused widespread power cuts and damage to satellite communications.

Modern people would have to remember how to survive in the absence of electricity. According to the assumption of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, the total economic damage to the global economy could amount to $ 2 trillion, and it would take years to restore the failed transformers. In other words, we would still restore the power grid.

After damage to the power grid and satellite communications, world trade, the transportation system, agriculture, water supply, the health care system, military systems, etc. would have suffered direct damage. It can be said that the daily lives of people would also change for the worse.
The video shows coronal mass emissions from July 22, 2012 22:00 EDT to July 23, 2012, 2:00 AM EDT. The shooting was done at the Solar Terrestrial RElations Observatory-Ahead Observatory (STEREO-A), the video is repeated three times.

Experts have calculated that the release of coronal mass could have hit the Earth if it happened a week earlier, when the corresponding part of the Sun was opposite our planet.

The previous release of such power happened in 1859 , it is known as the “Carrington event”, after the name of the astronomer who recorded it. At that time, the northern lights were visible at the latitude of Cuba and Hawaii, and the storm led to the failure of telegraph systems throughout Europe and North America.

NASA story about coronal mass ejection July 22-23, 2012

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230895/

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