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I am a Valve! Already on all monitors of the country!

I would like to share the results of the project that I managed. So, first things first.

Task: To make the site of the company Roscardioinvest LLC, a specialized enterprise that is simultaneously engaged in the development, research and production of artificial heart valves.
The organization is serious, people are serious, the design assesses the KTO themselves, to whose body there is no access to the same.

What is done:

- The customer is interviewed, interviewed, probed, tired and interested.
- The task is set to the designer, he is also interested, which is important! Further, the designer works hard and much, everyone gives him full support, dances with a tambourine and all that.
- The client is presented with three design concepts: the concept of a mechanical heart, a fruit concept, a concept with clouds (backup version). The client unexpectedly (probably, I was convincing) accepts the most successful concept - the mechanical heart.
- Again, dancing with a tambourine. Building a three-dimensional model of the heart, which, by the way, is not mechanical at all, and instead of a valve we have an airplane turbine. At this stage, the final design appears. To everyone's surprise, this stage is not overshadowed.

Further, as, however, and earlier everything goes according to the standard plan.

- Layout, Systematic input of information in parallel with its unplanned provision within 2 weeks, the actual publication of the site, which was preceded by cursory testing and real hemorrhoids with the transfer of a domain name.

What happened:
You can see here !

Your attention is invited to a series of papirs in the overall style of the project.


PS Please indicate errors, of which Hard on Adequate Commentary is ready to correct.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23085/

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