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How to significantly increase site conversion with tiny phrases: Microcopy. Part 1

A month ago, we shared the article “Everything you know about conversion optimization is not true” . Today we continue the topic of conversion.

Before proceeding to the article, we suggest that you consider the following question. What tools are best used to increase site conversion - what comes first to your mind?
The article on creating an effective call-to-action states that Visual Website Optimizer customers most often test to increase conversion:
• call-to-action buttons - CTA (30%);
• headers (20%);
• design (10%);
• text (8%).
But what if this obsession with headers and CTA buttons is no longer relevant?

What if more attention needs to be paid to small things, for example, to the text next to the field for entering a credit card number or placing a link that will turn your potential customers into real ones?
It is enough to add an explanatory text in the basket and the conversion to the purchase may increase by several tens of percent!

Veeam , using a survey on the site, concluded that many visitors were asking for a price (which they could not indicate on the page due to partnership agreements). As a result, they changed the “request a quote” button to “request pricing”, and the number of clicks in the survey form increased by 161.66%.



It is microtext (or microcopy ) - these small phrases or even individual words - add personality to your site, increase customer loyalty and encourage them to perform a targeted action.

A microcopy is used almost everywhere, and in many situations it can influence the decision of users even more than the title or main text, simply because it is closer to the conversion point.

Typical examples of microcopy:

1. Additional text under the heading explaining it.
2. Explanations to the fields in the registration form or basket.
3. Text in the “Search” field.
4. The text in the fields to fill as an example.

For example, the text in the “Search” field is better than an empty field:

Why is this text important? Wikimart announces its product range, and thus conveys information about a variety of goods that is important to the customer.

On the other hand, the use of a microcopy provides a clear call to action that helps the user to appreciate all the advantages of the site.

Yell directly says what needs to be done and what can be searched for (product, company or service), calling for action.

Before going further, I would like to draw attention to the fact that if you still have little traffic, the improvement of a microcopy will not fix the situation instantly, and you will not increase your income several times in one day.

Of course, the use of a microcopy will have a positive effect on usability, however, besides this, you need to pay attention to identifying the target market, studying customers and attracting traffic.

A poor-quality microcopy may not spoil the user experience, but a well-thought-out microtext is likely to significantly improve it.

For example, social network buttons can be accompanied by the word "Share".

Example from Witget.com

And traditional sharing buttons can be called differently:

Example from computerra.ru

And even Facebook provokes us to action with your question:

The quality of a microcopy depends on how well you know your user and own various technicians. For example, such an incorrect number in the field causes the client's indispensable desire to correct it with the correct one. As a result, the conversion of this form for Witget customers reached 17% (the number of fillings to the number of impressions).

Explanatory text is very important in contact collection forms. It is important for you to convey information that you are not sending spam, that the contacts will be securely stored, and that they will be used for their intended purpose.

The insertion of the note “Do not worry do not be spammed” increased the conversion to the form filling 2, 3 times!

The form is made in the service Witget.

What are the functions and tasks of microtext:

1. Expansion of information (subtitle).
2. Marketing message (example with Wikimart).
3. Call to action (Facebook example).
4. Hint (explanation of the field in the application).
5. Provocation (example with a callback order form).

Food to create microtext is communication with customers. Most often, with their questions or comments, they provoke explanations. In order not to respond to each person individually, you can make explanations for landing pages and forms.

Properly compiled microcopy will help reassure the user, so that he feels easy and at ease.

How can microtext improve user experience and increase conversion?

Even though the microcopy can be used to "improve the experience" and ease of use of the site in areas such as:

• Page not found;
• page loading;
• the confirmation;
• greeting;
• error message ...

... best to start with the areas where it will have the greatest impact.

Next, I want to focus solely on examples of successful microcopies that help increase conversion.

Case 1 - increase of conversion by 17.18% by adding a “see set” button near CTA

Michael Agard published a case on a Danish e-commerce site that sold car care products.

The problem was that the user did not have the opportunity to see anything except a reduced copy of the image and the "add cart" button. That is, there was no button, by clicking on which, the client could find out what is included in the kit. Potential customers thought that they were being offered to buy a kit, without even giving them a good look at it.

By adding a “see bundle” link located above the main call to action, Michael increased the number of users who clicked the link to examine the proposed bundle, and as a result, the conversion increased by 17, 18%.

source image

Source: http://conversionxl.com/microcopy/?hvid=30ks7R

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230841/

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