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The ABC of a good developer. Reading books

Often, developers need to be sent because they have no idea what they need to learn to improve their level. In this article I will describe the sources of knowledge, in my understanding, necessary for this purpose. I am writing in the order in which I suggest reading them.

Design Patterns

Wikipedia - there, in principle, at a good level, everything is described and examples are given in different languages.
The base book is a classic:
Object-oriented design techniques. Design patterns ”- read a book a long time ago, and 3 times. I advise you the same. It will give an opportunity to understand a large number of terms pronounced by other developers.

Refactoring. Improving Existing Code ”- this book probably made a revolution in code writing. Read fast and interesting. Refactoring methods should be stored in the head until the end of life. Your code will be better from now on. The book has a mention of unit testing.

Probably, the book “ Extreme programming: development through testing ” is considered to be a classic in this area of ​​TDD - simply and easily. It will give the base, but will not teach how to write unit tests.

To deepen the knowledge of unit testing, I advise you to read the thick catalog of patterns:
xUnit Test Patterns: Refactoring Test Code
- I will not give a link to the English language courses, since I assume that the programmer should be able to read English-language books. The book answered all my questions arising in the process of numerous attempts to write good tests.

The next book talks about how to use patterns correctly and is also required “ Refactoring using patterns ”. Perhaps after reading this book, you can still use patterns for good.

Go deep

"The architecture of corporate software applications " is another letter in the developer's alphabet. Describes the approaches that make up the patterns. Needed to understand more heaps of obscure terms.

If in the previous book fundamental concepts. That is in the book “ Application of DDD and Design Patterns. Problem-oriented design of applications with examples in C # and. NET can understand how to apply them. The translation is disgusting, so many may prefer to read it in English. And yet, this book has finally given me insight into what Dependency injection is.

The knowledge gained from the books mentioned above will give a result if you learn to use them all the time. The book - Continuous Integration: Improving Software Quality and Reducing Risk tells you what you need to do.

What's next

I have read the books mentioned above. Next I plan to read
Implementation Patterns are like basics laid out as a result of Kent Beck's work.

Book i'm reading now
Beyond Software Architecture: Creating and Sustaining Winning Solutions

Also waiting for the release
Aspect Oriented Refactoring - even the name itself already sounds interesting.

Refactoring HTML: Improving the Design of Existing Web Application - by annotation is very interesting (to me as a web developer, at least).

Connoisseurs will say that I am cunning - listed books from the Martin Fowler series and made a post. Basically, you are right, the whole article could be written in one sentence:
Read all the books from The Addison-Wesley Signature Series and you will be happy.

Well, again, an article from my site kigorw.com

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23084/

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