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Information Security Books (Part 2)

We bring to your attention a continuation of an article about books on information security, this time a list of references that attracted the attention of experts at the RSA 2014 conference; some books can be found at 8files .

Googling Security: How Much Does Google Know About You?

“Google is watching you,” is the main idea of ​​this book. The authors claim that the world's largest free web service provider actually charges a fee from its users, they only pay for these services not with money, but with information about themselves. Having comprehensive data about each user, Google has a huge potential impact on society. The authors offer a number of tips on how to protect themselves from the all-seeing eye of the search giant.

Hacking Exposed 7: Network Security Secrets & Solutions
After reading this book, you will understand how a hacker thinks and how he approaches the execution of certain attacks. How are vulnerabilities most commonly found? What hacker uses tools and methods? What software holes on your side can be fatal? Answers to these and many other questions about modern hacker attacks can be found in this book.

Big Data For Dummies

The book will introduce you to the basics of managing large amounts of data using the "cloud" technology. The authors consider the concept of “big data” and the key points related to the organization of storage and processing of these data arrays. In an understandable language, the basis is described that is needed by cloud storage administrators of any scale: from an enterprise to a data center.

Unmasking the Social Engineer: The Human Element of Security

Social engineering, or more simply, fraud using social networks and modern technologies, is one of the key threats to the security of our time. The book is devoted to modern methods of social engineering and allows you to identify fraudsters among customers and counterparties.

Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking

The book describes the basic techniques of social engineering, or "hacking people." The authors consider the basic techniques and methods of fraudsters, learn to identify provocations. We consider not only the tools used by the scaffold, but also the most effective and easy to implement methods of opposition.

Achieve Exceptional Results: Leading Effective Virtual Teams: Overcoming Time

Working in a remote team is becoming increasingly popular, but also fraught with a number of risks. The book is devoted to techniques by which you can avoid common mistakes when working remotely. The authors consider ways of motivation, building trust, the use of synchronous and asynchronous communications and give a lot of useful tips.

CISSP Exam Cram

The CISSP exam is a reliable way to prove your competence in the field of information security. The book provides the reader with the necessary information package for successfully passing the exam, including encryption, working with "cloud" systems, methods of security management and much more. Convenient structure allows you to quickly find the necessary information in the book.

CISSP Practice Exams, Second Edition

Tutorial in 10 parts, allowing you to fundamentally prepare for the CISSP exam. Recognized information security expert Shawn Harris shares the most practical information from the practical point of view and provides a detailed analysis of the questions to be answered on the exam.

Mobile Device Security For Dummies

Mobile devices are rapidly replacing desktop PCs in a corporate environment, so the issue of security of these devices becomes especially acute. The authors consider practical approaches to quickly and reliably protect mobile devices. Attention is paid to information security, countering hacker attacks, the use of VPN and granular control of access to applications.

Mobile Authentication: Problems and Solutions

The book addresses the issue of mobile authentication from the point of view of the specifics of the interaction between a person and a computer. The author pays special attention to the influence of the human factor and ways of leveling the risks associated with it. To ensure the safety of mobile devices, a deep understanding of the features of operating these devices and the formation of authentication methods based on these features are required.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230771/

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