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Implementing bundles of goods in online stores ReadyScript

Support for bundling products today is one of the most sought after features among online store owners. Complete sets allow combining products that have minor differences (for example: color, size, memory size, ...). Different properties are presented in the goods in the form of individual parameters that can be selected before placing an order.

In this article we will talk about the configurations and how they are implemented in the platform for online stores ReadyScript .

So, bundling goods (sometimes also called Product offerings) can be of two types: simple and multidimensional . Consider each of the types in more detail.

Simple picking

They are determined in the form of a flat list, and are always displayed in the item card in one parameter. For example:

Pickings are inextricably linked with the goods, so they are configured on a separate tab in the product card of the administrative panel.

Each package contains the following information:

For the “default configuration” (it will always be the first in the list, highlighted in gray) Article and Prices are used from the “main” tab of the product. Information of the other configurations, in case of their choice, overload the standard information of the product and get into the order.

What is the “default grade” and why is it highlighted among others?

The fact is that after the introduction of complete sets, in a single nomenclature position now many goods are described. And it was not clear how to display the goods in the lists. At what price? What are the characteristics? The solution to this problem was the introduction of the concept of "default configuration", the details of which will be used if you want to show the product in the list.

As a “default configuration”, we recommend using the variation of the product with the lowest price. This will additionally attract potential buyers while viewing the product category, as well as provide a display of the product, with a lower filter value for the price, if installed by the user.

Integration of simple configurations with 1C

Simple configurations are present in 1C Trade Management and are called "Characteristics of the nomenclature." 1C UT allows maintaining separate prices and accounting of balances in the context of goods with different nomenclature characteristics. For example, you can specify that the shirt is blue, the sizes S, M, L - 5 pcs. and they cost 100 p., and T-shirts green, sizes M, L - 2 pcs. and they cost 120 p. This model perfectly integrates with the bundling architecture in ReadyScript. During the data exchange, everything related to the characteristics of the product range is transferred to the online store.

There are many instructions on how to configure the “Nomenclature Characteristics” for different versions of 1C UT on the Internet, so we will not discuss this issue in detail in this article.

Limitations of simple complete sets

Simple configurations are great for products with one parameter. If there are at least two parameters, there is a problem with their presentation on the site. For example, if you sell clothes that have two parameters: color and size, you need to create flat pickings of the following type:


There is also an alternative, you can wind up goods of different colors in separate positions, and make the size in the package. Both options, in our opinion, are equally inconvenient for both users and store owners, so we developed the functionality of “multidimensional configurations”.

Multi-dimensional configuration

They allow you to create several parameters for a product that the buyer can select when placing the product in the basket. It looks like this:

Consider the process of setting up multidimensional configurations for goods step by step:

  1. Each parameter of a future multidimensional configuration is a list that is associated with one of the Characteristics. A product must have at least two list specifications, otherwise it will not be possible to use multidimensional configurations.

    This approach allows you to immediately achieve two goals:
    • Preparation of information for multi-dimensional configurations, using the standard tool "Characteristics", which is well integrated with 1C
    • The product will have useful characteristics that can be used for various purposes in the system, for example, to filter products.

  2. After the list characteristics are set, you need to go to the “Options” tab, enable the use of multidimensional configurations and add parameters. Each parameter can be given a name and select the characteristic with which it is associated. The system itself will offer a list of characteristics, based on data from the bookmark "Characteristics".

    If there is a need to specify an individual price, article number or balance for any combination of parameters, then it is necessary to check the box “Create picking”. In this case, simple configurations will be generated, where you can specify individual information.

    If you do not use simple configurations in conjunction with multidimensional, then the product card will display the parameters, but when changing their values, the price, article and the remainder will not change. The parameters chosen by the buyer will be recorded in the order.

How are multidimensional configurations integrated with 1C?

We are not without reason made a multi-dimensional configuration as a superstructure for simple configuration. The reason for this was the absence of such a thing as multi-dimensional configuration in 1C.

In this implementation, integration is achieved as follows:

  1. In 1C, the goods must have the properties (the same "Characteristics" in ReadyScript) and the characteristics of the item (they are the same "Configuration" in ReadyScript)
  2. Normal data exchange between the site and 1C is configured.
  3. After unloading goods from 1C to the site, it is necessary to set multidimensional configuration parameters for goods in the administration panel of an online store, for example, using a mass installation


Simple and multi-dimensional configuration allows users to easily organize the sale of goods with parameters. The positive effect of the use of complete sets is obvious. For administrators, this is a significantly optimized nomenclature base; for buyers, this is a completely different level of navigation on products, when similar products are presented on one page.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230763/

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