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Play with server jabber.ru

Among active and passive Linux users, it is customary to condemn the use of any instant messengers except jabber. However, few people know that the jabber.ru server hides a lot of “fun games” in it, like reading private correspondence in conferences. The most fascinating entertainment, which managed to find described in this article.

Game one: find all your friends

Unlike normal servers, everything is done for people and their convenience. For example, a simple, non-privileged user can execute such a query:
<iq type="get" to="_@conference.jabber.ru"> <query xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#admin"><item affiliation="member"/></query> 

In response, you will receive a full list of registered members of the conference. Yours or not yours. Privacy is not needed.

Yes, this is an administrator request that is made to edit user lists. But the administration of jabber.ru very carefully treats its customers and allows them to find all their friends, even if you do not have administrative authority.
If you do not understand programming, then we present to your attention gist.github.com/7316aec410cbecd4d97a.git , a simple and clear console application that can be considered as a frontend to gaming services, this application will make your game truly exciting, but at the same time and simple. Find all your friends and enemies, prove that they are wrong on the Internet!

Allow me, but this is just a jid list, how can you express your love through a computer interface?
Yes! Now it is possible!
For example, you can prove your friendship by sending about 500 friend requests through an authorization request. Modern xmpp-clients will be so happy that they will often fly out of an abundance of happiness!

And here is the complete toolkit, all open-source and free: github.com/Kagami/kisa

May your friendship be forever!

Game two: I want to know everything

Perhaps the most unique feature of jabber.ru is ... reading someone else's lichka! You can not only read other people's messages, but even replace them!

How it works:
In the conference settings, you can specify a service (jid) for filtering messages, as a rule, this is some kind of bot that should be in the conference. Of course, if you do not have such a bot, then you can easily rent it in a large number of conferences, because everything is done for people. Well, or write yourself.

The bot does not need admin rights, the bot just needs to be present in the conference, even if in visitor status. The only thing he needs is to respond to specially formed IQ requests developed on jabber.ru, which is a real exclusive of this service. Try it - and you will not regret it! Do you already want?

Official instructions in jabber.ru: jabber-ru.ya.ru/replies.xml?item_no=4659

We have an experimental hole on jabber.ru, or rather, on the conference.jabber.ru service, which allows us to filter the conference traffic by external services, commonly referred to as bots in popular use. Conference owners will be able to independently protect their territories from the use of obscene words, too long messages and other senseless junk!
In the conference configuration there is now an option that allows you to specify the jid of the bot, which will pass through itself the traffic that enters the conference. The stations of this traffic look like
id = '1' type = 'set' to = 'jid @ bot'>
<message original standard>

In response, the bot should send the same stanzas with type = result; In the message body, a bot can perform various operations on the message body that it deems necessary - for example, replacing the mat with asterisks, replace the entire message with a link in a pasture, or replace it with a user error.
Bot developers can look into the devel@conference.jabber.ru conference and discuss this matter there.

Good luck in the fight with youngsters.

Of course, if you are the administrator of a conference, then you probably knew about it before and could spy in the correspondence, and what should ordinary visitors who do not have administrative powers do, and to read someone else's horror correspondence as a hunt?

Game three: admin for an hour

Service jabber.ru is constantly fighting for the title of the gill of high culture of life. And in pursuit of high culture, it is impossible to dwell on only automatic systems. Robots can not appreciate the essence of what is happening, only a real living person can figure it out.

Immediately I warn you that if you have a small conference, up to 5 people, then this game is not for you. This game is for top conferences: jc.jabber.ru

If you are in the top, then you will receive a free service of technical support and advanced service. A highly qualified specialist will come to your conference completely free of charge and help you manage your own community. He will not only ban your bots, assign new administrators, ensure access of third parties to private information, but also support the conversation at a high intellectual level. Example:

 (22:09:49) karp:   []… (22:55:30) karp: ? (22:55:42) karp:  (22:55:54) karp:     (23:00:11) karp: of (23:00:13) karp:  (23:00:26) karp: [] (23:01:08) karp: zdrfv:    http://code.ustyugov.net... (23:06:15) karp:  (23:07:38) karp: _: ? (23:09:18) karp: _: ,  (23:09:46) karp: =) (23:10:33) karp: _: ,      []... (23:11:21) karp: zdrfv: .   [] (23:50:51) karp: :  (23:52:28) karp: :     ,  []… (23:55:12) karp:    ? (23:55:29) karp: . [] ? (23:56:20) karp: []      … (23:56:51) karp:  (23:57:07) karp:    [] (23:57:32) karp:     =) (23:58:22) karp: [], [] (23:58:57) karp:  []? (23:59:19) karp: [] … (23:59:25) karp:  

However, if you want to take advantage of this service out of turn, write to igor@ustyugov.net and you will always come to the rescue! And if you are offended somewhere, unfairly (in your opinion) banned, then you will not only be banned, but also given you administrative powers, and you will easily be able to restrain your soul.

Game Four: Learn Arabic

This is a very old game, which eventually lost its exciting gameplay, but did not lose its relevance. Previously, if you wrote something in Arabic to a conference on jabber.ru, then an immediate kick followed. Since the administrators did not know the ranges of Unicode, the kick could be blunt for some characters that have nothing to do with the Arabic language. For example, unicode characters copied from YouTube service comments.

Previously, the game was extremely exciting: you could take an Arabic name for yourself and go into any conference. It worked best in conferences with bots, where it was just enough to write ping and most of the conference fell off. It was very beautiful and spectacular.

Over time, the gameplay has changed. Kik was removed, and the message text was replaced with “I'm arabian pig”. This recognition could be found from many respected participants of completely different conferences. Unfortunately, the new gameplay was not appreciated and it did not last very long, as the administrations threatened with courts. Since this is no longer a joke, soon the messages began to be replaced by "***", you can try it yourself.

But even now it is a lot of fun to go to various conferences with an Arabic nickname and actively participate in discussions. Try it yourself!

Game Five: Bonus

Go to support@conference.jabber.ru, report bugs, unavailability of the service, ask technical questions and do not get banned. Of course, it is necessary to talk with the official representatives, and not ordinary users.

There were other games that could pass your leisure. For example, the curve shaper, which actually blocked the work of the conference in case one of the participants sent a long stanza. There were even people who first blocked konfu, and then asked for a ransom for the return of access. However, messages are often not sent even now because of the limit rate, even when they come from legitimate users and are written by a living person.

General sponsor of games: zinid .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230735/

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