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Fun with reluctance, or especially working with freelancers

Good afternoon, colleagues. This material will be useful to you if:

Naturally, in both cases, not attracting freelancers.

I note that it will be much easier for you to work with freelancers if you understand that:
Thus, working with freelancers is always a risk, and in this article I will describe how to minimize it.

A little introductory. When you develop your Internet project - you will have a choice:

Argument in favor of a web studio.
If your business is more or less stable, there is a steady profit, then it is natural that the time has come to develop. To think about expanding the pool of suppliers, working with new sales channels, organizing partnerships, and so on. Such an activity implies a free head, which is not filled with the question “whether the freelancer will disappear for a week, and whether he will ruin my base, and whether he will get sick and whether I will have to urgently look for a new one,” etc.
In such a rosy case (that is, when you have money) you need to shift the issues of improving the site onto the web studio’s shoulders, and certainly the one that specializes in solving exactly your tasks, and not “sites on Dupal, Jumla, social networks, Conclusion in the top cheap with a guarantee.

If you are just starting your business, and you have every penny in your account, then you have a direct route to the freelancer exchanges.
Freelancers are also better to hire for large amounts of tedious work - copywriting texts, for example, or filling sites. A familiar journalist may be tired after the hundredth text invented for you and lose pace. In the case, if several freelancers do the same - you just hire a new person - that's all.
Very helpful in working with freelancers exchange. I will explain how to use them correctly.

Features of working with bona fide freelancers:

If you decide not to pay a commission to the freelance market - here are some tips that will reduce the likelihood of fraud:

Features of work with any freelancers:

Actually, such approximately tasks will be faced by the owner of the starting web project, or by the person who decided to create a web studio from scratch. Further, the first is waiting for hiring a team, or outsourcing, and the second - building infrastructure from version control systems, tikitov, and others.

In the next article I will talk about how to work with finances that are intended to pay for the work of freelancers, and how very often you can drastically reduce such expenses.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230729/

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