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Search for devices with CISS on Yandex.Market and Products@Mail.Ru

Dear habravchane,

We are glad to share great news: some of the largest price aggregators market.yandex.ru and torg.mail.ru have added to their sites the ability to search for printers and multifunction printers with a continuous ink supply system installed by the manufacturer!



We are sure that this opportunity will allow even more customers to learn about the existence of our Epson Printing Factory and save on printing photos and documents!

Dear Habravchane,
Due to the fact that Habrahabr.ru was divided into three resources (HabraHabr, GeekTimes and MegaMozg), Epson's blog moved to Geektimes.ru .
Looking forward to seeing you on our GT blog!
Epson team

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230721/

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