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From economics to attention to partnership economics

Now the development of the Internet is moving from the state - the economy of attention to the partnership economy.

Economy of attention
The emergence of the economy of attention is the appearance in the information society of the Internet. The Internet has made it possible to form a “third nature” - an information habitat and a system of global communication. A fundamentally new tool was obtained for analyzing the behavior of the most active and productive part of society.
If we recall the history of the Internet, then its initial development was just within the walls of universities and departmental bodies, for which the main product then was not communication, but knowledge, as well as the possibility of closed storage of this information and distributed access to it.

Then a process emerged that went beyond the confines of a limited virtual space and an economy of attention began to take shape, for which knowledge production was important.

Virtual space was mastered by forming in it a certain vision of a product or service, as well as the formation of a demand for this information by influencing the user's attention.

The collapse of the dotcoms was not only due to the fact that investors had no experience of being present in a new reality, but also because there was no exchange. The flow of information wore a unidirectional model. The Internet produced information, largely according to pre-set parameters.

Exchange economy
What did Web 2.0 mean? I think that this was a transition from an economy of attention to an economy of exchange. The end user was involved in the virtual space. The Internet began to acquire the features of a communicative environment. The concept of exchange has come into being. The user has begun an active online activity in exchange for the various opportunities that services provide him. In this situation, companies began to realize that the economy of the virtual world has changed. New forms of media have appeared, which themselves form information and it no longer carries the criteria originally set. Companies that produce products and services in reality now want to form a given image in the virtual space. But there is one difficulty for them - the exchange involves equal shares from different sides.

After all, an exchange is an act of receiving a desired object from someone with an offer of something in return. It has become difficult for companies to create an exchange economy.

Partnership economy
All this will lead and may already lead to a partnership economy, when the common virtual space appears as a network community in which the main problem is how to attract people to participate. The company in this system becomes a partner, it begins to participate in online as an equal. She not only becomes the creator of the content, but also its active consumer. But here a difficulty arises: in human nature there is a desire to hide and learn something, while creating good information takes time and hard work. If everyone just uses it and nobody creates anything, the network community falls apart. And companies will be forced to create content in such a way as to keep up with the consumer.
PS I would be happy for constructive comments on my reasoning.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23067/

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