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View DOM events in Firefox Developer Tools


Very soon, along with the update of the nightly version of Firefox, it will be possible to easily and easily watch all DOM events on the page.

The functionality will be available to the world, starting with the 33rd version of Aurora.

Earlier, similar functionality was implemented, at least, in dragonfly from Opera .
Judging by the screenshots, in Firefox Developer Tools the viewing of events will be implemented one click less than in Opera Dragonfly.

This functionality was previously implemented by various additions to add-ons that worked mainly with jQuery.

Discussion topics on the bug tracker Mozilla
Mike Ratcliffe blog post

UPD # 1: Opera works with mouseover.
UPD # 2: in Firebug, you can watch DOM-events without plug-ins, but in the next tab.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/230625/

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