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HR manager requires management

Anyone sooner or later faces the need for a job. And it encounters recruitment managers who are beginning to ask strange, at first glance, questions. In this article I will explain the main reasons for the “strange” questions, I will try to explain what is strange in them.

But first, a long digression.

It seems that all this is easy - advertised on specialized sites and wait for responses. However, potential employees do not seek to find their employer. Then it is time for an active search. Take the job of a secretary - I was always sure that this is an elementary job that does not require much experience and knowledge. It may be so, but finding a good secretary is quite difficult. If you can find a man who, according to all the specified parameters (that is, work experience and functional responsibilities) fits this position and invites him for an interview, then you need to check that he has reached this interview as well. For example, I was faced with the fact that about half of applicants - secretaries do not reach the interview for various reasons. Therefore, you have to constantly call back and remind you that they are waiting for an interview.
If the applicant still comes to the interview, then the next stage begins - communication with him. I can say that of the 37 secretaries invited for an interview, about 18 reached him, and only four of those who can and know how to work.
For example, I came across a great girl. who perfectly knew the duties of a secretary, document management, office work, with 5 (!) years of work experience ... Nothing foreshadowed unhappiness until it became clear that she did not know what an e-mail and outlook meant.

Now back to what was stated in the title. Everyone has a different interviewing scheme. I was offered to use the one that reveals the productivity of a person as an employee. That is, he must answer the question of what is the product of his activity, how this product is measured, and what achievements in this professional field a person has.
On the question of a product, one can immediately understand a great deal - since it does not relate to standard questions and is usually not prepared in advance for it, and, as you know, the best questions are sudden. So, on this issue, you can determine the direction of a person - he is an activist, average worker or performer.

Similarly, on the issue of achievements (this question can also be formulated as “what are you proud of?”), You can also understand a lot about a person, because many are beginning to hesitate and say that there are no special achievements and there is nothing to be proud of. And why do you need a person who does not know how to present himself, a person who has nothing to be proud of in his entire life?

Well, based on these questions, apart from the standard ones, you can already see if this person is right for you, if you can work with him, and most importantly, if he will be productive for your company.

In the next article I will give an example of an interview. If you like, what I hope for.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/23060/

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